povstenko / sheet-python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spreadsheet Python



This project introduces a Sheet class, a simple spreadsheet implementation in Python. The Sheet class provides functionality to manipulate data in a tabular format. Users can interact with the sheet by setting, retrieving, editing, and deleting values in specific cells. Additionally, the class supports basic formula evaluation for dynamic cell calculations.


  • sheet.py: Contains the implementation of the Sheet class.
  • script.py: A script demonstrating the usage of the Sheet class.

How to Run

Execute the script.py file using the following command:

python script.py

Sheet Class

The Sheet class is the core component of this project, offering a basic spreadsheet functionality. Below are key features and methods of the Sheet class:


from sheet import Sheet

# Create a new Sheet instance
sh = Sheet()

Cell Indexing

Cells are identified using a combination of column letters and row numbers (e.g., "A1", "B2"). The class provides methods to convert these string indices into row and column indices.

# Convert cell index from string to row and column indices
row, col = sh.__resolve_index("B3")

Value Manipulation

The Sheet class provides methods to set, get, edit, and delete values in cells.

# Set a value in a specific cell
sh.set_value("A1", 42)

# Retrieve the value from a cell
value = sh.get_value("A1")

# Edit the value in a cell
sh.edit_value("A1", 100)

# Delete the value in a cell

Formula Evaluation

Formulas can be assigned to cells, allowing dynamic calculations based on other cell values.

# Set a formula in a cell
sh.set_value("B3", '=A1 + A2')

# Retrieve the result of a formula
result = sh.get_value("B3")


The resize method allows resizing the sheet to a specified number of rows and columns.

# Resize the sheet to 5 rows and 5 columns
sh.resize(5, 5)


The script.py file provides examples demonstrating the usage of the Sheet class, including setting values, performing calculations with formulas, and more.

# Example usage in script.py
from sheet import Sheet

sh = Sheet()

sh.set_value("A1", 10)
sh.set_value("B1", 20)

result = sh.get_value("A1")  # {'value': 10, 'result': 10}

sh.set_value("C1", '=A1 + B1')

result = sh.get_value("C1")  # {'value': '=A1 + B1', 'result': 30}



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Language:Python 100.0%