PovelikinRostislav / lnx

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pure installation in Ubuntu

  • Install alacritty and configure tender theme, copy alacritty.yml to $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml or %APPDATA%\alacritty
  • Install zsh, copy .zshrc into $HOME and comment all unworking, change home path
  • Install zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • Install fonts
  • Install oh my zsh
  • Install powerlevel10k coloring of ZSH and configure it on your own by p10k configure or by re-logging into shell
  • Install LS_COLORS
  • Install tmux from apt and put .tmux.conf into $HOME
  • Install ripgrep, copy .ripgreprc into $HOME
  • Install bat
  • Install fd
  • Install vim, copy vimrc into ~/.vim/ folder and open vim - it will install everything on its own. Change tender theme here .vim/plugged/tender.vim/colors/tender.vim:
-hi Search guifg=#ffffff ctermfg=15 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE gui=underline,Bold cterm=underline,Bold
+hi Search guifg=#ffffff ctermfg=15 guibg=NONE ctermbg=243 gui=underline,Bold cterm=underline,Bold
  • Put htoprc into .config/htop/htoprc



Language:Shell 56.8%Language:Vim Script 43.2%