poteto / ember-crumbly

Declarative breadcrumb navigation for Ember apps

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using crumbly with index directories

dbinetti opened this issue · comments

my app is (in parts) organized using index directories. meaning, if I have a model resource like person, then when listing resources instead of using a template/controller/route like persons.hbs and persons.js, I instead have a /persons directory with index.hbs and index.js files as the template/controller/routes. This appears to not be supported with crumbly; is it a limitation that can be overcome in some way?

Specifically, I'm trying to use the functionality to set the path introduced in 1.0.6 by @dguettler that addressed #112 and it is not working with my organizational structure... thanks

And I should be clear that when I say "not supported", what I actually mean is that customization via setting a breadCrumb hash on the route is not supported; it does function perfectly with the default configuration.

@dbinetti you may want to try 2.0.0-alpha.0 (see #104) this may address your structure better.
I'd still need to include the 1.0.6 change to this version though.

2.0.0-alpha.0 does fix the index route issue; I'll wait to see the 1.0.6 change implemented. thanks

@dbinetti try ember-crumbly@2.0.0-alpha.1 it includes 1.0.6 changes for path

I've tried a few permutations without success. Perhaps I'm misusing. Given the following directory structure:

-items/index.hbs (list of resources)
-items/item.hbs (resource with tabbed navigation)
-items/item/details.hbs (resource detail normally on`items/item.hbs`)

On which router do I put the breadCrumb hash to indicate the path? I currently have {{bread-crumbs tagName="ol" outputStyle="bootstrap" linkable=true}}
on items/index.hbs and items/item.hbs (not on details, which is the tabbed content.)

I suppose I should have reopened this since I'm still having the issue. Does not appear that 1.0.7 will resolve.

I can confirm to have the same problem, I tested also in 1.0.7 with no success, is there something we need to do for making it work? or just use the alpha version?

Also having issues with index being the one that is queried for the top level crumb, when I'm at another child route, not the index. Crumbs are pulled from parent.index, parent.myroute instead of the expected parent, parent.myroute

Is there any news about this issue? It's still there in 3.0.1.