posva / vue-mdc

Material web components for Vue.js

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issue with autocomplete

kyoukhana opened this issue · comments

I am using vue-mdl 0.10.0. The problem is that autocomoplete isn't working on textfields any ideas as to why.

<div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield">
<mdl-textfield floating-label="Email:" type="email" :value.sync="user.email" id="email" email="email" autocomplete="off"></mdl-textfield>

You should not wrap a component with the mdl-js-* class unless specific cases. Maybe that's causing it. Otherwise you're setting the autocomplete to off

I tried that but still not working

                                <div class="mdl-textfield">
                                    <mdl-textfield floating-label="Email:" type="email" :value.sync="user.email" id="email" email="email" autocomplete="off"></mdl-textfield>

                                <div class="mdl-textfield">
                                    <mdl-textfield floating-label="Password:" type="password" :value.sync="user.password" id="password" password="password" autocomplete="off"></mdl-textfield>

without the div

I tried that but still not working take a look

<!--Start signup -->
                            <form action="#" @submit="registerUser(user)" v-on:submit.prevent autocomplete="false" autocomplete="off">
                                <input type="hidden" name="token" value="this.$auth.token()" v-model="user.token">
                                    Please Use Referal Code if you have one
                                    <p><mdl-textfield floating-label="Referral Code:" :value.sync="user.regreferral" id="regreferral" name="regreferral"></mdl-textfield></p>

                                    <p><mdl-textfield floating-label="First Name:" :value.sync="user.name" id="name" name="name"></mdl-textfield></p>

                                    <p><mdl-textfield floating-label="Last Name:" :value.sync="user.lastname" id="lastname" lastname="lastname"></mdl-textfield></p>

                                    <p><mdl-textfield floating-label="Email:" type="email" :value.sync="user.email" id="email" email="email" autocomplete="off"></mdl-textfield></p>

                                    <p><mdl-textfield floating-label="Password:" type="password" :value.sync="user.password" id="password" password="password" autocomplete="off"></mdl-textfield></p>

                                    <p><button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect">


Oh, you are using the Vue 1 version. I added the autocomplete to the v0 and released 0.11.0

Ahh so how do i fix that on my end. Thanks for the help. I haven't upgraded to Vue 2 maybe in the spring. Its a lot of work for one person.

FTM just update the version of vue-mdl to 0.11.0

I tried to do this. Removed old version tried to install new version but didn't install

npm install vue-mdl@0.11.0 --save

If i type

npm install vue-mdl --save

It will install "vue-mdl": "^0.10.0",

npm install vue-mdl@latest shoud do it.
If you have errors with npm you should search in Stack Overflow or Google

I installed vue-mdl@0.11.0. The autocomplete feature works in Chrome but not Firefox 50.1.0