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tree.match and complex selectors

cossssmin opened this issue · comments

In developing posthtml-postcss-inline, I reached the point where it can't inline complex CSS selectors, because posthtml-match-helper doesn't support that. The problem is discussed here, and it was concluded that it's a feature that should be implemented in the tree.match() API method of PostHTML.

We need a way to match elements based on complex CSS selectors.

For example, imagine this with posthtml-match-helper:

matchHelper("div > span")

Since there are several types of selectors and implementing them all isn't trivial, I think we could focus on a short list of the most commonly used ones?

Maybe this for starters:

  1. selector1 selector2 (descendant combinator)
  2. selector1 > selector2 (child combinator)

From there we could look into:

  1. selector1 + selector2 (next-sibling combinator)
  2. selector1 ~ selector2 (subsequent-sibling combinator)

What do you think @Scrum?

@cossssmin Great suggestion, drawing up a plan is already 50 percent of the work done, thank you!!

I'll attach it here so you can see the whole set.

in my opinion, it is better to give options for code snippets solving the tasks described above. In the documentation. To add to the API much later

If it can be done by the user then sure, it doesn’t matter if it’s a guide in the docs or even in a plugin like posthtml-match-helper.

I understand the concern 👍

Was reading up on htmlparser2 and it got me thinking, if css-select also uses it, and PostHTML also uses it, couldn't tree.match somehow use css-select? Or, maybe a plugin like posthtml-match-helper could use it?

What do you guys think?

After a quick glance, I realized:

  1. To use it, you will have to immerse yourself completely in this tool, immediately not everything seems trivial.
  2. Reuse will be impossible after converting tree (posthtml AST) posthtmlRender-> string -> parseDocument (htmlpareser2 AST) -> css-selector -> string -> posthtmlParser here we lose the mapping to the original tree (this is critical)

Ah, bummer... would have been cool, especially considering it has CSS lvl 4 selector support :)