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[bug] no-value-attrs has been parsed to Empty String

jiangjiu opened this issue · comments


no-value-attrs has been parsed to Empty String, but i want it back to raw.



posthtml().process(input).then(result => console.log(result.html))

input :

 <p  class="title" aaa bbb ccc>123</p>


 <p  class="title" aaa='' bbb='' ccc=''>123</p>


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i know browsers will ignore the empty string......but the template that i parsed is just a middle-layer-ast, my framework will process this template into the final html, same as Vue's template && vue-loader

if (obj[key] === '') {
  attr += ' ' + key
} else {
  attr += ' ' + key + '="' + obj[key] + '"'

Untested && maybe a better check then if (obj[key] === '') is needed and so on... :) Test it locally by editing node_modules/posthtml-render/lib/index.js at best and PR welcome




obviously the problem is in parsing process....

how can parser mark out attr and attr=""?

What's the problem with the attr: '' representation for {Boolean} attributes in the AST ? The alternative would be attr: true which would require changes to the generator (posthtml-render) and is potentially a breaking change for minimal benefit. Could you describe your use case a bit further please and can't the AST part not be handled by your framework ?


the problem is in parsing process, example:
posthtml().process(input).then(result => console.log(result.html))




i need this transformed output as my framework's template....

but in my dsl, attr and attr="" have two different meanings....

so, if posthtml cannot meet my needs,please tell me...
and i have to change my work kit or fork it

The change to the generator should I proposed in my first comment should give you the following result


<div id="1" class="box" hidden></div>


   tag: 'div',
   attrs: { id: '1', class: 'box', hidden: '' }
   content: []

with #263 (comment)


<div id="1" class="box" hidden></div>

without #263 (comment) (Current)


<div id="1" class="box" hidden=""></div>

The generator (posthtml-render) outputs {Boolean} attributes as attr='', which could be fixed by applying (in the direction of) my suggested changes


thanks for your help~

but i think i didn't point the key problem....

i can render a attr:true into a attr like this:

   tag: 'div',
   attrs: { id: '1', class: 'box', hidden:true}
   content: []


<div id="1" class="box" hidden></div>

that's cool, that's exactly what I want。but, that's the render process,.... now let's pay attention to parse process

from input to ast, parser cannot tell the diffrence from attr and attr=""

when i give a element like this:

<p emptyattr emptystring="">123</p>

parsed ast:

   tag: 'p',
   attrs: { emptyattr: '', emptystring: ''}
   content: ['123']

that means: when posthtml parsed, i lost the diff between emptyattr and emptystring....

probably this option will suffice singletags ?


@Scrum my problem is in parse phase... not render

<div hidden>
{ hidden: '' } // PostHTML Parser (HTMLParser 2)
{ name: 'hidden', value: '' } // Parse5

So this would need to be handled in posthtml-parser around here, but there is no way to distinguish between <div empty='' boolean> nevertheless due to the underlying parser. I personally don't think this is a valuable change and you should reconsider relying upon that logic...


yeah, i scaned parse5 && htmlparse2 's code, there is no way to distinguish between <div empty='' boolean> ...

thanks ~ i'll find how to get it works

@jiangjiu Hi! Can you give me advise on how to fix a similar issue?


@jiangjiu Hi! Can you give me advise on how to fix a similar issue?

maybe it's a false demand...