posthtml / posthtml-loader

PostHTML for Webpack

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How would I set the directive(s) in the webpack loader?

Scrum opened this issue · comments

I posted this in the gitter, but no one responded yet: How would I set the directive(s) in the webpack loader?

Originally posted by @trisys3 in posthtml/posthtml#328 (comment)

For example, in straight PostHTML I can do this:

const posthtml = require('posthtml');

const text = '<?php echo $myVar; ?>';

const {html} = posthtml().process(text, {
    sync: true,
    directives: [{
        name: '?php',
        start: '<',
        end: '>',

console.log(html); // '<?php echo $myVar; ?>';

How do I do this with posthtml-loader? Without the directives, I just get an empty string.

The options don't seem to be able to include parser options. Also, posthtml-loader allows for using posthtml.config.js through the posthtml-load-config package, but that doesn't seem to allow parser options either.

webpack configs can get pretty convoluted, but I used a loader config with something like:

    module: {
        rules: [{
            loader: 'posthtml-loader',
            options: {
                directives: [{ name: '?php', start: '<', end: '>' }],

and that threw the "Invalid options object" error.

I also tried several other configurations. Wrapping the "directives" in "config" threw the same error, while wrapping it in "config: { ctx }" didn't throw an error but still didn't show the PHP string.

@trisys3 publish v2.0.0

Thanks so much, this is great! I'm sure other people would have requests for different options, and the sync was mainly for demo purposes, but it's a good start! You can always add more options if others ask, I suppose.

Thanks so much, this is great! I'm sure other people would have requests for different options, and the sync was mainly for demo purposes, but it's a good start! You can always add more options if others ask, I suppose.

All options are now being processed

The options are processed, as there's no error anymore, but they don't seem to be used. At least directives isn't.

Also, I can't seem to re-open, so can you please re-open if you can? Thanks.

Nevermind, please ignore. This seems like an issue with posthtml-expressions ignoring the directives. I added an issue on that repo, posthtml/posthtml-expressions#97.