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Content security policy hashes problem

frederikhors opened this issue · comments

I'm using Content Security Policy to increase security and Lighthouse score.

I'm using many frameworks which generate html files like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- ... -->
  <meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="default-src; img-src *; script-src 'sha256-fXiuOGTc9r/EgsIAcDthKaYGYUT3svq8f4NzsIwFHmE=' 'sha256-Vn0EF4j1eAcb5cTHq3jjTvL32M3ijgVackLAvIuZg9Q='">

  <link href="/some.js">

  <script>/*SOME MINIFIED SCRIPT HERE for first sha256 hash*/</script>

  <script type="module">/*OTHER MINIFIED SCRIPT HERE for second sha256 hash*/</script>


When I use htmlnano on it the <script></script> content obviously changes (is minified too along with html) and I get CSP errors like:

Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'sha256-fXiuOGTc9r/EgsIAcDthKaYGYUT3svq8f4NzsIwFHmE=' 'sha256-Vn0EF4j1eAcb5cTHq3jjTvL32M3ijgVackLAvIuZg9Q='". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-tcp8uK2Psib07uQY3U6+vLDwwqjQkUhn8M7KfM61Fg4='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.

because no generated (before htmlnano launch) hash matches.

I think htmlnano should re-calculate and change those sha256 values.

What do you think?


IMHO the current workaround is to disable htmlnano's built-in minifyJs feature to prevent manipulating <script /> tags.

Calculating new SRI in htmlnano is kinda risky anyway.

Why risky?


Why risky?


If the <script /> has an SRI attribute, it means that the original <script /> could be trusted, and should not be altered anymore. htmlnano is exactly a MITM that SRI is designed to protect from.

Although htmlnano is trying its best not to be compromised. But what happens if the upstream package is compromised? What happens if the minifyJs feature introduces malicious code and calculates an SRI based on the malicious code?

So IMHO, if you do trust htmlnano, you should generate SRI after htmlnano modify the <script />. Otherwise, you should disable the minifyJs feature for now.

I will create a PR to let htmlnano skips <style /> and <script /> that have SRI attribute, so you can still minify <script /> that doesn't have SRI.

Good points! I agree with @SukkaW.