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wrong SQL SELECT in readme

remote4me opened this issue · comments

Environment: Ubuntu 22.04, Self-hosted Postgresml installed in Postgresql 13 database

I am following instructions here (under "Vector Database", "Step 3: Querying the index using embeddings for your queries"):

This SQL does not works:

WITH query AS (
    SELECT pgml.embed('distilbert-base-uncased', 'Star Wars christmas special is on Disney')::vector AS embedding
SELECT * FROM items, query ORDER BY items.embedding <-> query.embedding LIMIT 5;

Error message:

ERROR: relation "items" does not exist
  Position: 152

SELECT * FROM items, query ORDER BY items.embedding <-> query.embedding LIMIT 5
1 statement failed.

But this SQL works (without index - index creation failed, this is another issue):

WITH query AS (
    SELECT pgml.embed('distilbert-base-uncased', 'Star Wars christmas special is on Disney')::vector AS embedding
SELECT * FROM public.tweet_embeddings, query 
  public.tweet_embeddings.embedding::vector <-> query.embedding