postcss / sugarss

Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS

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Import Error While Compiling

Mr-Manna opened this issue · comments

I've a sss folder with style.sss,_base.sss & _footer.sss

I've postcss.config.js including > 'postcss-easy-import':{extensions: ['.sss'] } & parser: 'sugarss'

I've imported : @import "base" & ** @import "footer"** in my style.sss

Now this is throwing error in console while compiling but actually working in browser correctly and if I put **@import "_base" ** the console error is gone but not working in browser.

(1:1) Cannot find module 'base' from 'E:\Programing Practice\webpack\src\sss'
@ ./src/sss/style.sss 2:14-124
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3000 ./src/index.js

Now should I worry about this!!

Hi. Unfortunately, this issue should be reported to postcss-easy-import.

I want to help, but all importing stuff happens there and I have no idea how it works inside and what it does.

Ah ok! thanks for the information.