postcss / postcss-simple-vars

PostCSS plugin for Sass-like variables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Variable interpolation - does not allow interpolating multiple variables.

opened this issue · comments

$var1: value_of_var1;
$var2: value_of_var2;

$(var1)text // value_of_var1text
$(var1)$(var2) // Undefined variable $var1value_of_var2

According to this unittest this seems to be the wanted behaviour, but should it really be?

It seem that the variable interpolation should allow for concatenating multiple variables.

An obvious example is:

width: $(width)$(unit);

Can’t reproduce:

$var1: value_of_var1;
$var2: value_of_var2;

width: $(var1)text;
width: $(var1)$(var2);


width: value_of_var1text;
width: value_of_var1value_of_var2;