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Conditional WHERE clause

henryzhang03 opened this issue · comments

Hi, I looked through some of the older issues regarding this but they did not solve my problem. Here is my code snippet

    let whereClause = '';

    if (fragments.length > 0) {
      whereClause = db`WHERE ${fragments.join(' AND ')}`;

    const newPairs = await db`
      SELECT * FROM NewPairs
      ${whereClause ? whereClause : db``}
      ORDER BY ${db(orderBy)} ${orderDirection.toUpperCase() === 'ASC' ? db`ASC` : db`DESC`}
      LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0

fragments just contains 0 or many of these for example:

db`sell_count <= ${sellCountTo}`

I keep getting an empty response from my DB but im not sure why, even though If I write out the full query and query my DB, it returns with a populated response.

You can't join on an array of fragments as that will just result in a stringified version of it. Use eg. flatMap and only insert and if i !== 0. Eg xs.flatMap((x, i) => i ? [sql`and`, x] : x)