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Right side menu will not disable

Streemo opened this issue · comments

  <IonSideMenu side="left"></IonSideMenu>

I am not including the right side menu, but I can still drag the main view content from the right, revealing an empty screen. Anyone else got that problem?


I solve it with this :
this.context.ionSnapper.settings({ disable: 'right' });

Isn't it not safe to be using context, a this is a very experimental feature? Is there another way to access the ionSnapper? Thanks.

@RobDong I've figured out the context thing, it's a bit different with es6.

Do you know where to call this.context.ionSnapper.settings? In the render() method of the Layout, the ionSnapper is still null...

Thanks @RobDong for mentioning {disable: 'right'}.

Apparently one must pass a {disable: "right"} into the props for the <IonSideMenuContainer>. I have no idea why something as necessary as this is not in the docs.

@Streemo feel free to add it to the guide!

Actually, I have been meaning to update the doc for the side menu as I had
made some changes there

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 7:17 AM, Mark Pors notifications@github.com wrote:

@Streemo https://github.com/Streemo feel free to add it to the guide!

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Ok, I have updated the guide.