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Upgrade to react 15

primeminister opened this issue · comments

Would be nice if react 15 is also supported.

This includes an upgrade to react router v2. @cannoneyed is working on that

@pors & @cannoneyed I see in helper animate.js some context.location that could be the problem. Part of the react-addons-css-transition-group class. No idea how to solve that

Upgrading to React 15 does work, except the deprecation warning of router v2. No harm in there, but would be nice to have it fixed

What's the state? Currently v0.2.0 seems to have a dependency to react-dom@0.14.8

We haven't merged the PR yet because it causes some issues with React router. Shouldn't take long though

Is there an ETA?

Hi @gerwinbrunner , No ETA yet, if you want to speed up, you can help with the Router warnings. I will push my branch today, so you can check fork it.

@primeminister I have been working on making this upgrade locally. I'm really new to github (read I don't know what I'm doing or how to have my changes integrated in). But I have made some changes in my fork to get this working. take a look at my profile.

@johnslemmer can you click on the green [New pull request] button here: https://github.com/johnslemmer/reactionic and here https://github.com/johnslemmer/reactionic-kitchensink ?

It is a bit easier for us to evaluate and see all diffs at once.

PS I think @primeminister also fixed this, but that doesn't matter, it's good to learn from everyone's code I think.

Merged into master with PR #32 so closing this issue

@johnslemmer are you on Twitter? Would like to mention you in a tweet about the update

Yep, @johnslemmer


On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Mark Pors notifications@github.com wrote:

@johnslemmer https://github.com/johnslemmer are you on Twitter? Would
like to mention you in a tweet about the update

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