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The transactions in zksync era sometimes created without "r s v", which can cause error at db store.

XmoDVO opened this issue · comments


curl https://mainnet.era.zksync.io \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params": ["0x065f05d79e4d36fa57ce52f0483b082e4ee5cd9a008cd6ac6a6aa83930ee7795"],"id":1}'

no r s v singnature in output


however, r s v is not optional to function rpcToSqliteTransaction

export function rpcToSqliteTransaction(
  transaction: RpcTransaction,
): Omit<InsertableTransaction, "chainId"> {
  return {
    accessList: transaction.accessList
      ? JSON.stringify(transaction.accessList)
      : undefined,
    blockHash: transaction.blockHash!,
    blockNumber: encodeAsText(transaction.blockNumber!),
    from: toLowerCase(transaction.from),
    gas: encodeAsText(transaction.gas),
    gasPrice: transaction.gasPrice ? encodeAsText(transaction.gasPrice) : null,
    hash: transaction.hash,
    input: transaction.input,
    maxFeePerGas: transaction.maxFeePerGas
      ? encodeAsText(transaction.maxFeePerGas)
      : null,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: transaction.maxPriorityFeePerGas
      ? encodeAsText(transaction.maxPriorityFeePerGas)
      : null,
    nonce: hexToNumber(transaction.nonce),
    r: transaction.r,
    s: transaction.s,
    to: transaction.to ? toLowerCase(transaction.to) : null,
    transactionIndex: Number(transaction.transactionIndex),
    type: transaction.type ?? "0x0",
    value: encodeAsText(transaction.value),
    v: encodeAsText(transaction.v),

encodeAsText will throw an error since transaction.v is undefined;

export function encodeAsText(value: bigint | number | Hex) {
  if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number")
    value = BigInt(value);

  if (value > EVM_MAX_UINT)
    throw new Error(`Value cannot be greater than EVM_MAX_UINT (${value})`);
  if (value < EVM_MIN_INT)
    throw new Error(`Value cannot be less than EVM_MIN_INT (${value})`);

  const signChar = value >= 0n ? "0" : "-";

  // If the value is negative, add the minimum integer to it.
  if (value < 0n) value = value - EVM_MIN_INT;

  const chars = value.toString(10);  // <- value is undefined, toString cannot be called. !!!

  // Pad the hex string with leading zeros and add the sign byte.
  return signChar + chars.padStart(78, "0");

and it will causing unstoppable warning

error stack

Hi, thanks for reporting. We can fix this by making those fields optional. Out of curiosity, do you know if there's a technical reason for rsv sometimes being undefined on this chain, or is it just an error on the part of the RPC provider?

I asked my colleague, hope it helps you,
zksync support another kind of signature (EIP-1271), Smart contract accounts have their own TX validation flow, not necessarily ECDSA, so r,s,v are empty.