pomle / corkheads

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Some images not loading

Sleni82 opened this issue · comments

It seems that some images from articles are not loading.

Se attached screenshots

That's pretty fucked up. Looked in the logs and it does not say anything. Stupid cloud functions. :)

Yeah, i saw it both in Daniel Andersson collection and on your check in for bergslagen

I am seeing this error in logs.

We do a little trick when user uploads images and write a small image immediately that the user sees, then upload the original so the user does not have to wait for the full size to upload.

I think we start processing the image before it is fully uploaded and that is why the checksum is not failed. Will think about how to fix in a good way.

Updated the Cloud Function that creates images to allow for lazy setting of source

Will test!

Dont know

This should improve uploading robustness somewhat.

@Sleni82 now you can test.