pomidornijfrukt / project

a c# project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a .NET project that includes a data management system using SQLite. It provides functionalities to add, delete, and update data, as well as display data within a specified time period. The project also includes unit tests to ensure the correctness of the implemented functionalities.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/pomidornijfrukt/project.git
    cd Project
  2. Install the necessary .NET SDK. You can download it from here.

  3. Restore the dependencies:

    dotnet restore

Adding Packages

To add the required NuGet packages, you can run the following commands in your console:

For the main project:

dotnet add Project package Microsoft.Data.SQLite --version 8.0.4
dotnet add Project package System.Data.SQLite --version 1.0.118

For the test in the project:

dotnet add Project.Tests package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk --version 17.6.0
dotnet add Project.Tests package xunit --version 2.4.1
dotnet add Project.Tests package xunit.runner.visualstudio --version 2.4.3
dotnet add Project.Tests package Moq --version 4.16.1


To run the application, use the following command:

dotnet run --project Project

This will execute the main project located in the Project directory.

Running Tests

To run the unit tests, use the following command:

dotnet test

This will execute all tests in the Project.Tests project and display the results.

Project structure

The project consists of two main parts:

  1. Project: Contains the main application logic and data management functionalities.
  2. Project.Tests: Contains unit tests to verify the correctness of the functionalities implemented in the main project.


  • DataDB.cs: Contains methods for adding, deleting, updating, and displaying data in the SQLite database.
  • UsersDB.cs: Contains methods for managing the active user.


  • DataDBTests.cs: Contains unit tests for the methods in DataDB.cs.
  • UsersDBTests.cs: Contains unit tests for the methods in UsersDB.cs.



The Project depends on the following NuGet packages:

  • Microsoft.Data.SQLite (Version 8.0.4)
  • System.Data.SQLite (Version 1.0.118)


The Project.Tests depends on the following NuGet packages:

  • Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk (Version 17.6.0)
  • xunit (Version 2.4.1)
  • xunit.runner.visualstudio (Version 2.4.3)
  • Moq (Version 4.16.1)


a c# project


Language:C# 100.0%