pomerium / pomerium-helm

Official helm charts for Pomerium.

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Exception using defaultCertSecret

clementblaise opened this issue · comments

What happened?

What did you expect to happen?

How'd it happen?

Configured pomerium using a default certificate

What's your environment like?

  • Pomerium Helm Chart version : 31.0.0

What's your config.yaml?

      enabled: true
        defaultCertSecret: cert-manager/wildcard-tls

What did you see in the logs?

4 flux reconcile helmrelease -n pomerium pomerium
► annotating HelmRelease pomerium in pomerium namespace
✔ HelmRelease annotated
◎ waiting for HelmRelease reconciliation
✗ HelmRelease reconciliation failed: Helm upgrade failed: execution error at (pomerium/templates/validation.yaml:5:3): A TLS certificate must be available for Authenticate when using the ingress controller.  Please set `config.generateTLS` or `authenticate.ingress.tls.secretName

Additional context

Neither config.generateTLS nor authenticate.ingress.tls.secretName should be required when using ingressController.ingressClassResource.defaultCertSecret

HI @clementblaise - thanks for reporting.

I think should do the trick: #286