pomerium / pomerium-helm

Official helm charts for Pomerium.

Home Page:https://helm.pomerium.io/

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DaemonSet type for Pomerium

ramzcode opened this issue · comments


Is there a way to install Pomerium using helm chart as a daemonset ? Please let us know.

Hi @ramzcode,

No, there isn't an option for that.

Can you elaborate on the use case/reasoning?

Hi @travisgroth,

I want to make sure 100% uptime for the pomerium during the Cluster upgrade. Want to make sure that pomerium should be running even if a node or pod is down.

A loadbalanced way of setup to be simple.

Typically that's done by increasing the replica count and setting pod anti-affinity rules so that replicas avoid running on the same node. During maintenance, the pods should get evicted correctly; but the anti-affinity will keep unexpected node failures from impacting too many replicas.

The chart also supports pod autoscaling so that you can keep pomerium scaled up based on your utilization rather than node count.

@travisgroth Great to know, thanks a lot. Will plan and build the environment accordingly.