pombredanne / WaveletTrees.jl

Data types for wavelet trees in Julia

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This package contains data types I use for modelling wavelet trees. A WaveletTree consists of a lowpass subband and (multiple) highpass subband(s); the highpass subband(s) are arranged in a tree structure.

For 1D signals the coefficients in the highpass subbands are arranged in a binary tree, i.e., a directed acyclic graph where each node has either zero or two children. A binary tree with three levels are seen below.

A binary wavelet tree

For 2D signals the highpass subbands within each direction are arranged in a quad tree, i.e., a tree where each node have either zero or four children.


The generic type available is WaveletTree{D}, where D denotes the dimension of the data prior to the wavelet transform and can be 1 or 2. A WaveletTree has entries lowpass and highpass whose types depend on D.

A 1D WaveletTree with L levels and a lowpass/coarsest highpass subband with size coefficients are constructed with

WaveletTree(L, size)

and its entries are

  • lowpass: A vector with size lowpass coefficients.
  • highpass: A cell of L vectors with coefficients from each level, where W.highpass[1] is of length size.

A 2D WaveletTree with L levels, D directional subbands within each level and a lowpass subband (coarsest highpass) subband with x-by-y coefficients are constructed with

WaveletTree2D(L, (x,y), D)

(with default value D = 3) and its entries are

  • lowpass: A matrix with x-by-y lowpass coefficients.
  • highpass: A cell of L cells. Each inner cell contains D matrices with coefficients from the directional subbands, where the matrices in W.highpass[1] are all x-by-y matrices.


For WaveletTrees there are the functions

  • size: Returns the number of coefficients in the lowpass subband, highpass subband or the two combined (which is the default). The result is either a vector or an levels-by-2 matrix, depending on the dimension of WaveletTree.
  • levels: The number of levels in the tree.

For 2D WaveletTrees there is furthermore

  • vec: Vectorizes a single directional subband according to the order induced by the parents ρ.
  • tree2mat: The directional subbands on the same level are collected into one matrix.


The layout with nested cells is inspired by the contourlet toolbox for Matlab.


Data types for wavelet trees in Julia



Language:Julia 100.0%