poma / hardhat-etherscan-abi

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Doesn't expose overloaded functions

suranap opened this issue · comments

In the following code, all the methods show up for cvx_rewarder except getReward. This is an overloaded function. There are 2 of them with different signatures. I did the following to get around this bug.

    let cvx_rewarder = await ethers.getVerifiedContractAt("0x9e01aaC4b3e8781a85b21d9d9F848e72Af77B362");
    let tx = await cvx_rewarder.connect(deployer).populateTransaction['getReward(address,bool)'](someAddress, false);
    await deployer.sendTransaction(tx);

looks like in abi from etherscan both overloads are present. Can you try manually creating a contract with ethers using abi json? I think it's most likely an issue with ethers library