polymorphicshade / NewPipe

A fork of NewPipe with SponsorBlock functionality.

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Remove clickbait (ALLCAPS, use thumbnail from video etc)

825i opened this issue · comments



  • I made sure that there are no existing issues - open or closed - which I could contribute my information to.
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  • I'm aware that this is a request for NewPipe itself and that requests for adding a new service need to be made at NewPipeExtractor.
  • I have taken the time to fill in all the required details. I understand that the feature request will be dismissed otherwise.
  • This issue contains only one feature request.
  • I have read and understood the contribution guidelines.

Feature description

Just like SmartTubeNext and Clickbait Remover for Youtube

They have the option to remove clickbait-like distraction from videos.

Examples include:

  • TiTles WiTH WEiRD CApItaLIsATIOn
  • Titles with lots of Symbols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!"????

These would be replaced with standard capitalization. eg.

This title omgs

and perhaps most importantly, custom video thumbnails that the channel owner has used. Instead opting to pull a real still frame thumbnail from the start, middle or end of the video.


Why do you want this feature?

I think it's obvious, but the reason we should have this feature is that it returns a lot of the honesty back to Youtube. When clickbait is removed from Youtube, the user has a more genuine browsing experience and isn't conned into clicking on videos due to false, misleading or manipulative methods.

Why ist the feature relevant to this fork?

It's relevant because we already have sponsorblock, dislike return and adblock. Removing clickbait further distills Youtube into a more pure and useful experience that allows people to discover content more naturally.

Additional information

The feature could be added in the "Extras" section where we have the new dislike function. Something like:

Remove Clickbait Titles [Toggle]
Removes heavily stylized titles such as those with all caps, excessive symbols etc.

Remove Clickbait Thumbnail [Toggle]
Replaces the custom thumbnail with a still thumbnail from the middle of the video.


I like this, so I'll label it as a tubular feature. However I have no idea when I'll get around to this.

I dig into Clickbait Remover for Youtube source code and found the method it used to change the thumbnail.

Basically it assumes a Youtube thumbnail image is an image with URL matching this:

It then subtitudes that image with this:
with preferredThumbnailFile is hq1, hq2 or hq3 for a thumbnail corresponding to the start, the middle or the end of the video.

Hopes that this helps.


@825i have you asked upstream about this? It'd be easier if this feature was in regular NewPipe.

@thanhminhmr We are in full control of the images anyways, we don't need to patch YT's javascript.

@Atemu I mean the new thumbnails are already available from YouTube, just need to change the link a bit. I'm sure we don't need to touch any JavaScript.

related: #337