polyipseity / obsidian-terminal

Integrate consoles, shells, and terminals inside Obsidian.

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Changelog Opening Consistently

iamrecursion opened this issue · comments

The changelog is opening every time I start Obsidian, even if I have "show changelog after update" turned off.

Probably the same problem as obsidian-modules#4.

Try replacing both maxPending:X9 (3 instances) and maxPending:1e3 (1 instance) with maxPending:Infinity inside main.js and see if it fixes the problem. If so, I just need to make a new release because the fix has already been implemented.

It still seems to happen for me, but I am not sure I did it right!

No errors, no!

Here is the current contents:

  "addToCommand": true,
  "addToContextMenu": true,
  "createInstanceNearExistingOnes": false,
  "errorNoticeTimeout": 0,
  "exposeInternalModules": true,
  "focusOnNewInstance": true,
  "hideStatusBar": "focused",
  "language": "",
  "lastReadChangelogVersion": "3.12.3",
  "newInstanceBehavior": "newTab",
  "noticeTimeout": 5,
  "openChangelogOnUpdate": false,
  "pinNewInstance": false,
  "preferredRenderer": "dom",
  "profiles": {
    "developerConsole": {
      "name": "",
      "restoreHistory": true,
      "successExitCodes": [
      "terminalOptions": {},
      "type": "developerConsole"
  "recovery": {}

It works normally... In this case, main.js might be corrupted. Can you send the current main.js as an attachment here, then try reinstalling the plugin?

Here's the current state of the plugin's folder. It has my attempts at changing things as you mentioned here in main.js.


Reinstalling does seem to have fixed that issue. Unfortunately I am still seeing #26 after reinstalling.

Reinstalling does seem to have fixed that issue. Unfortunately I am still seeing #26 after reinstalling.

Alright, I will have another go at that issue.