polkadot-js / api

Promise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and Substrate based chains via RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata.

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[Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWJb4BDK6gRLH27mYnd22igZQi6W3xraAJsvSanaccPNVx as reserved on SetId(0).

Andrewjkim2014 opened this issue · comments

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  • What is the current behavior and expected behavior?
    Every time I start my node, my peer is discovered in the event listener of peer: discovery method, however, I get this message on the blockchain network terminal.
    [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWCV94dwbEpG9ZP9kR3eVsy7FuaeqkpRAaeW2w8PqNDeMC as reserved on SetId(0).

For my blockchain network terminal, I start this node using this command: ./target/release/polkadot-parachain --chain contracts-rococo-local --tmp --rpc-cors all

In the process of event listener discovery, the dial method is implemented to all the multiaddresses.

This is the console.log from the event listeners:
peerInfo {
id: PeerId(12D3KooWJb4BDK6gRLH27mYnd22igZQi6W3xraAJsvSanaccPNVx),
multiaddrs: [
multiaddress Multiaddr(/ip4/

If you have any questions, please state your questions below in order to better understand the situation!

  • What is the motivation for changing the behavior?
  • Please tell us about your environment:

React-Expo-Native (front-end)
Express (Back-end)
Node.js v21.6.1

Screen Shot 2024-02-10 at 4 20 19 PM
  • Version:

  • Environment:

    • [X ] Node.js
    • Browser
    • Other (limited support for other environments)
  • Language:

    • [ X] JavaScript
    • TypeScript (include tsc --version)
    • Other

I moved this issue to the api since it doesn't have anything to do with the apps.

In order to properly help I need a reproducible code example, and a proper question to work off of. Please format it using markdown code formatting. Thank you

Thank you TarikGul for responding.

This is current log that I get from the polkadot parachain network using the chain flag (--chain contracts-rococo-local).

2024-03-02 19:17:21.748 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Adding reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:21.749 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Connecting to 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 on SetId(0) (0/8 num_out/max_out).
2024-03-02 19:17:21.750 WARN tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 as reserved on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:21.750 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Adding a new known peer 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6.
2024-03-02 19:17:21.750 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already known peer 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6, bumping last_updated.
2024-03-02 19:17:21.759 WARN tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 as reserved on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:21.769 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Reserved peer 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 (Outbound) dropped from SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:21.769 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Peer 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 disconnected, reputation: -256 to -256
2024-03-02 19:17:21.899 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Connecting to 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 on SetId(0) (0/8 num_out/max_out).
2024-03-02 19:17:22.067 WARN tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 as reserved on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:22.077 WARN tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 as reserved on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:22.105 WARN tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already reserved node 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6 as reserved on SetId(0).
2024-03-02 19:17:22.193 TRACE tokio-runtime-worker peerset: [Parachain] Trying to add an already known peer 12D3KooWMi8BPM372mzMjtsiKjgHMDiSYFFgmJ58U8AeVsQNXAP6, bumping last_updated.

This is the nodejs libp2p configuration for my node:
const options = {
peerId: peerId,
addresses: {
listen: ['/ip4/']
transports: [
discoverRelays: 2,
connectionEncryption: [noise()],
streamMuxers: [yamux(), mplex()],
dht: kadDHT(),
peerDiscovery: [
list: bootstrapNodes
services: {
identify: identify(),
ping: ping({
protocolPrefix: 'ipfs',
dht: kadDHT({
kBucketSize: 20,
clientMode: false,
broadcast: true,
relay: circuitRelayServer(),
pubsub: gossipsub({
allowPublishToZeroPeers: true,
emitSelf: true,
floodPublish: false,
gossipIncoming: true,
doPX: false,
directPeers: gossipPeers,
allowedTopics: 'Login'
config: {
dht: {
kBucketSize: 20,
enabled: true,
randomWalk: {
enabled: true,
interval: 300e3,
timeout: 10e3
pubsub: {
enabled: true,
emitSelf: false,
relay: {
enabled: true,
hop: {
enabled: true,
active: true
autoNAT: {
enabled: true,
connectionManager: {
autoDial: true,
maxConnections: 50,
minConnections: 10,

This is the rpc call to the parachain node thats result in that response from the blockchain terminal:
const rpcUrl = '';

const body = JSON.stringify({
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'system_addReservedPeer',
params: [
id: 2

const response = await fetch(rpcUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

My goal is to be able to see the discover, incoming connection, and accepting connection in the parachain network, which I'm guessing should update the Idle 0 Peers to 1 Peer.
I'm still currently trying to fix this issue. If theres anything else that you need from me, please let me know!

This is my reproducible code example.

   const options = {
       peerId: peerId,
       addresses: {
           listen: ['/ip4/']
       transports: [
           discoverRelays: 2,
       connectionEncryption: [noise()],
       streamMuxers: [yamux(), mplex()],
       dht: kadDHT(),
       peerDiscovery: [
               list: bootstrapNodes
       services: {
           identify: identify(),
           ping: ping({
               protocolPrefix: 'ipfs',
           dht: kadDHT({
               kBucketSize: 20,
               clientMode: false,
               broadcast: true,
           relay: circuitRelayServer(),
           pubsub: gossipsub({
               allowPublishToZeroPeers: true,
               emitSelf: true,
               floodPublish: false,
               gossipIncoming: true,
               doPX: false,
               directPeers: gossipPeers,
               allowedTopics: 'Login'
       config: {
           dht: {
               kBucketSize: 20,
               enabled: true,
               randomWalk: {
                 enabled: true,
                 interval: 300e3,
                 timeout: 10e3
           pubsub: {
               enabled: true,
               emitSelf: false,
           relay: {
               enabled: true,      
               hop: {
               enabled: true,    
               active: true      
           autoNAT: {
               enabled: true,
       connectionManager: {
           autoDial: true,
           maxConnections: 50,
           minConnections: 10,
   const node = await createLibp2p(options);

   node.addEventListener('peer:discovery', async (event) => {     
     const peerInfo = event.detail;
     console.log("New peer discovered", peerInfo.id.toString());

    const rpcUrl = '';
      const body = JSON.stringify({
        jsonrpc: '2.0',
        method: 'system_addReservedPeer',
        params: [
        id: 2

      const response = await fetch(rpcUrl, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'

   node.addEventListener('peer:connect', async (event) => {
     console.log('peer connect', event.detail)

   await node.start();


So from the code you provided it seems this is out of scope for these libraries as this is not a polkadot-js issue.

Best to ask this question in Substrate Stack Exchange: https://substrate.stackexchange.com/questions

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue if you think you have a related problem or query.