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Easy and flexible CSV exports and imports in PHP ⚡

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Easy and flexible CSV exports and imports in PHP ⚡

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Importer;

$importer = new Importer();
$rowVisitor = new App\ValidatableRowVisitor();

$importer->import('/path/to/input.csv', $rowVisitor);

if ($importer->getErrorListCollection()->isEmpty()) {
    echo "Successfully imported!\n";



  • Multibyte support
  • MS Excel friendly (exports as UTF-8 CSV with BOM)
  • Memory efficient (unless you import non UTF-8 CSV)
  • Easy to validate row by row
  • Easy to implement preview feature, that shows which cell will be changed after importing


  • PHP >= 7.4
  • ext-mbstring


$ composer require ttskch/bulkony



use Ttskch\Bulkony\Export\Exporter;

$exporter = new Exporter();
$rowGenerator = new App\UserRowGenerator();

$exporter->exportAndOutput('users.csv', $rowGenerator); // send HTTP response for downloading
namespace App;

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Export\RowGenerator\RowGeneratorInterface;

class UserRowGenerator implements RowGeneratorInterface
    public function __construct(private $userRepository)

    public function getHeadingRows(): array
        // return 2D array so that you can export multiple header rows
        return [['id', 'name', 'email']];

    public function getBodyRowsIterator(): iterable
        while ($user = $this->userRepository->findNext()) {
            // yield 2D array so that you can export multiple rows for one data
            yield [
                [$user->getId(), $user->getName(), $user->getEmail()],

Export to file

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Export\Exporter;

$exporter = new Exporter();
$rowGenerator = new App\UserRowGenerator();

$exporter->export('/path/to/output.csv', $rowGenerator);

Send HTTP response in WAF way

$response = new StreamedResponse();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', HeaderUtils::makeDisposition(HeaderUtils::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'users.csv'));
$response->setCallback(function () use ($exporter, $rowGenerator) {
    $exporter->export('php://output', $rowGenerator);

return $response->send();
return response()
    ->header('Content-Type', 'text/csv')
    ->streamDownload(function () use ($exporter, $rowGenerator) {
        $exporter->export('php://output', $rowGenerator);
    }, 'users.csv');
$stream = new CallbackStream(function () use ($exporter, $rowGenerator) {
    $exporter->export('php://output', $rowGenerator);

return $response


use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Importer;

$importer = new Importer();
$rowVisitor = new App\UserRowVisitor();

$importer->import('/path/to/input.csv', $rowVisitor);
namespace App;

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\Context;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\RowVisitorInterface;

class UserRowVisitor implements RowVisitorInterface
    public function __constructor(private $userRepository)

    public function import(array $csvRow, int $csvLineNumber, Context $context): void
    private function hydrate(array $csvRow): App\User
        // create App\User instance from csv row in some way
        return new App\User($csvRow);

With validation

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Importer;

$importer = new Importer();
$rowVisitor = new App\UserRowVisitor();

$importer->import('/path/to/input.csv', $rowVisitor);

if ($importer->getErrorListCollection()->isEmpty()) {
    echo "Successfully imported!\n";
} else {
    // you can access to validation errors by csv line number and column (heading) name
    // in other words,
    //   ErrorListCollection : errors in whole csv file
    //   ErrorList           : errors in one csv row
    //   Error               : errors in one csv cell (can contain multiple error messages)
    foreach ($importer->getErrorListCollection() as $errorList) {
        foreach ($errorList as $error) {
            foreach ($error->getMessages() as $message) {
                echo sprintf("Error: row %d col `%s`: %s\n", $errorList->getCsvLineNumber(), $error->getCsvHeading(), $message);
namespace App;

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\Context;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\ValidatableRowVisitorInterface;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Validation\ErrorList;

class UserRowVisitor implements ValidatableRowVisitorInterface
    public function __constructor(private $userRepository, private $validator)

    public function import(array $csvRow, int $csvLineNumber, Context $context): void

    public function validate(array $csvRow, ErrorList $errorList, Context $context): void
        $user = $this->hydrate($csvRow);

        foreach ($this->validator->validate($user) as $validationError) {
            // get csv heading name from validation error in some way
            $csvHeading = $this->getCsvHeadingFromValidationError($validationError);

            // upsert Error into ErrorList
            $errorList->get($csvHeading, true)->addMessage($validationError->getMessage());

    public function onError(array $csvRow, ErrorList $errorList, Context $context): bool
        // you can log errors for one csv row or do something here...
        // you can choose continue or abort on error occurred
        return ValidatableRowVisitorInterface::CONTINUE_ON_ERROR;
        // return ValidatableRowVisitorInterface::ABORT_ON_ERROR;
    private function hydrate(array $csvRow): App\User
        // create App\User instance from csv row in some way
        return new App\User($csvRow);

In this example, you may find that $this->hydrate($csvRow) is called twice in validate() and import(). Sometimes this is not good.

If cost of hydrating object from csv row is very high, you can pass the hydrated object through Context like below.

public function import(array $csvRow, int $csvLineNumber, Context $context): void
    // get hydrated $user
    $user = $context['user'];

public function validate(array $csvRow, ErrorList $errorList, Context $context): void
    $user = $this->hydrate($csvRow);

    // pass hydrated $user
    $context['user'] = $user;    
    // validate $user ...

With previewing feature

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Importer;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Preview\Preview;

$importer = new Importer();
$rowVisitor = new App\UserRowVisitor();

/** @var Preview $preview */
$preview = $importer->preview('/path/to/input.csv', $rowVisitor);

// $preview contains whole csv data and knows WHICH CELL WILL BE CHANGED after importing
render('some/template', [
    'preview' => $preview,
namespace App;

use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\Preview\Row;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\Context;
use Ttskch\Bulkony\Import\RowVisitor\RowVisitorInterface;

class UserRowVisitor implements RowVisitorInterface
    // ...

    public function preview(array $csvRow, Row $previewRow, Context $context): void
        $originalUser = $this->repository->find($csvRow['id']);
        $importedUser = $this->hydrate($csvRow);
        if ($originalUser->name !== $importedUser->name) {

        if ($originalUser->email !== $importedUser->email) {

Of course you can implement previewing feature with validation.

In this example, if App\UserRowVisitor implements ValidatableRowVisitorInterface, $preview holds whole validation errors automatically.


Easy and flexible CSV exports and imports in PHP ⚡

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%