pointfreeco / swift-nonempty

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Error when decoding an array to a a non empty array

johannwerner opened this issue · comments

Swift.DecodingError.typeMismatch(Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Any>, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [CodingKeys(stringValue: "poiList", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Dictionary<String, Any> but found an array instead.", underlyingError: nil))

This is my structre

struct LocationCarModel: Codable {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var poiList: NonEmptyArray<PointOfInterest>
    // MARK: - PointOfInterest
    struct PointOfInterest: Codable {
        var id: Int
        var coordinate: Position
        var fleetType: String
        let numberPlate = "HCD837EC"
        let model: String = "Tesla S"
        let fuel: Double = 0.9

This is the response I'm getting https://fake-poi-api.mytaxi.com/?p2Lat=53.394655&p1Lon=9.757589&p1Lat=53.694865&p2Lon=10.099891

and this how I'm decoding it.

 public extension Decodable {
   static func parse(from item: Any?, strategy: JSONDecoder.KeyDecodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys) -> Self? {
       guard let data = self.data(from: item) else {
           return nil
       let decoder = JSONDecoder()
       decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = strategy
       do {
           let result = try decoder.decode(Self.self, from: data)
           return result
       } catch {
           return nil
   private static func data(from item: Any?) -> Data? {
       switch item {
       case let data as Data:
           return data
       case let string as String:
           return string.data(using: .utf8)
       case .some(let item):
           return try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: item, options: [])
       case nil:
           return nil

and the line to decode using the above function is

let model = LocationCarModel.parse(from: data)

Any ideas how I can solve this issue? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.