poingstudios / godot-admob-plugin

This repository is for Godot's Addons to integrate natively AdMob to your Game Project without much configurations and directly inside Godot Editor!

Home Page:https://poingstudios.github.io/godot-admob-plugin/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Banner isn't at the bottom of the screen on iPhone 12 Pro

novalis opened this issue · comments

Godot version


Plugin version


Phone information

iPhone 12 Pro, ios 16

Issue description

screenshot-iPhone 12 Pro-16 0

The banner isn't at the bottom of the screen -- instead, it has crept up to cover my content.

Steps to reproduce

This seems to be true whether or not I have respect_safe_area turned on.

Additional context

No response

Thank you for opening this Issue, we will investigate this.

Seems to be working normally on Godot 3, i will generate some version of the plugins this days, but this bug really happened on Godot 4 and it's already be fixing

Without Respect Safe Area:

Captura de Tela 2023-03-03 às 23 33 38
Captura de Tela 2023-03-03 às 23 33 51

With Respect Safe Area:
Captura de Tela 2023-03-03 às 23 34 08

Tested on :
Godot: 3.5.1-stable
Godot AdMob Editor: godot3-v1.3.3
Godot AdMob iOS: v2.1.2

@novalis this is actually working for me, it still happens to you on the latest version?

I'm sorry, but unfortunately, I don't know. I was testing using BrowserStack, since getting Godot working with the simulator on a M1 Mac is pretty annoying. But I gave up my BrowserStack account. I'm no longer working on the app in question, or any app that uses ads (for now). For what it's worth, the fix for me was:

diff --git a/plugin/admob/src/formats/Banner.mm b/plugin/admob/src/formats/Banner.mm
index 75e2a64..9f8cee1 100755
--- a/plugin/admob/src/formats/Banner.mm
+++ b/plugin/admob/src/formats/Banner.mm
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ - (void)addBannerViewToView {
+       bannerView.center = CGPointMake(rootController.view.center.x, rootController.view.frame.size.height-CGSizeFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeBanner).height/2);

Closing due stale, on #82 it should only appear the BannerAds in the SafeArea