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pb + expo (react-native) + react-native-sse : EventSource connect took too long

RepComm opened this issue · comments

At this point I've tried using any polyfill I can get my hands on, the most success I've had is getting to EventSource connect took too long.

try {
  result = await db.ctx?.collection("users").authWithOAuth2({
    provider: this.props.provider,
    urlCallback: (url)=>{
      console.log("URL", url);

        console.error("Failed to open oauth url", err);
} catch (ex: any) {
  let keys = Object.keys(ex);
  let obj = {} as any;
  for (let key of keys) {
    obj[key] = ex[key];


  if (this.props.onIssue) {
    this.props.onIssue(`Couldn't perform OAuth: ${ex}`);
    // return;
  throw ex;
LOG  {"isAbort": false, "name": "ClientResponseError 0", "originalError": [Error: EventSource connect took too long.], "response": {}, "status": 0, "url": ""}
 WARN  Couldn't perform OAuth: ClientResponseError 0: Something went wrong while processing your request.

As other similar issues, urlCallback doesn't seem to get called at all and doesn't console log.

Assuming this is a facebook Flipper thing:
I do not have the ability to change any java code as I'd have to eject the expo app to be raw react-native android project,
which kind of defeats the reason for using expo in the first place.

I tried expo's --no-dev flag hoping it would resemble react-native's --variant=release to no avail

I don't know why react-native has such a huge problem with EventSource, but it seems like its WAY more trouble than it's worth.

I'm not even trying to do realtime yet, I can't even fetch users full list but I'm installing server side events related polyfills.

Is there still a plan to migrate away from EventSource as a dependency?

I don't think I have any more options at this point other than just writing my own JS SDK or EventSource system dependency, and even then I'm not sure I wouldn't have the exact same issues other libs are having.

Update, I ran eas build to generate an android build and viewed it from expo snack on my android device, and the OAuth does redirect to my browser properly, though I do have device_id and device_name not setup for private IP redirect URI, but I can fix that later in the google dev console.

urlCallback does get fired properly in this state of things.

I think that probably confirms it as a flipper issue..?

I tried running NO_FLIPPER=1 && expo start before this to no effect.

Unfortunately creating a build every time is not a valid workaround (even just due to time it takes to build in the cloud).

I will continue to work on this and update here. Dumb problems dumb solutions.

Edit- I used a DNS entry on one of my dev sites to setup google oauth redirect to a local IP and everything seems to be working with the android production build, so its purely a development issue. At least I know that the EventSource polyfill does work in some cases. Now I just have to figure out how to it with regular dev setup.

I don't fully understand the above description but you can check the discussion in pocketbase/pocketbase#2484 as it seems similar to your error.

I'm closing the issue for now as I don't think this is JS SDK related but feel free to let me know if you stumble on something else.

I managed to run expo metro (hot module reloading) in prod mode via:

npx expo start --no-dev

And this does not have the issue of EventSource timing out.

Not idea for debugging, but I'll take what I can get for now.

Thanks for your time even looking at this! I'll leave this answer here for anyone else trying to use expo with pocketbase.

It worked for about 1 minute until npx expo start --no-dev started caching things...

I added a console.log("Happens") that only is being triggered when I don't use --no-dev but doesn't when I do.

It looks like without some kind of serious intervention I cannot use pocketbase with expo, and I think that is really just super silly.

@RepComm Did you check the above linked discussion and at the stackoverflow suggestion in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69235694/react-native-cant-connect-to-sse-in-android/69235695#answer-69235695?
Several users reported that it works for them.

Note that technically the JS SDK doesn't have any dependencies. It relies only on native interfaces like fetch and EventSource. There are plans to reimplement eventually the EventSource interface with raw fetch streams to avoid the need of a polyfill for node-like environments but it is left aside for now because the last time I checked the fetch implementation in React Native didn't support streams.