pocketbase / js-sdk

PocketBase JavaScript SDK

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health.check() return not expected data

Zehir opened this issue · comments

Hello, I got some inconsistency with the return of the health.check() method;

const client = new PocketBase(context.pocketBaseUrl)
const health = await client.health.check()

For this the expected type of the health value is:

export interface HealthCheckResponse {
code: number;
message: string;
data: {[key: string]: any};

But with some URL I get this kind of value :

context.pocketBaseUrl Result {"code": 200, "message": "API is healthy.", "data": { "canBackup": true } }
http://existing.com {}
http://not-existing.com Throw exception : Something went wrong while processing your request.
https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1?test= {userId: 1, id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false}

I think we need a way to verify that the target server is a PB instance and return some kind of errors if not and maybe don't throw exception ?

I'm not entirely sure that I understand what the table is and what is the desired behavior.

client.health.check() will send a request to GET BASE_URL/api/health and directly return the response. There is no additional handling.

If you send a /api/health request to non-PocketBase server and it returns a 200 response, then it is up to the server and I don't think we need to check every response in the JS SDK whether the user has been connected to a PocketBase instance or some random server (and I'm not even sure how exactly this can be achieved).

The desired behavior is to make sure when using health.check() I am sure that the server is an PocketBase server but this could be checked in the app instead of the js-sdk side

We can perform manual response data validation client-side in the SDKs, but I don't think this is the correct place where these checks should be performed.

health.check() checks only whether a PocketBase server is up and running, it doesn't have a mechasim to verify that the server on the other side is PocketBase or not (there is no guarantee that another server will not use the same response as PocketBase).