pocke / rbs_rails

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How to skip a method from gems?

khrisnagunanasurya opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have a problem with how to mock/ignore the classes or methods from gems, I use a gem called AASM, where when we include the AASM into the model, we can use the helper method like aasm, transitions, ... etc.
But I'm unable to make RBS ignore those methods or try to mock them inside RBS. can someone help me with this?

What I've been trying so far

  class History < ::ApplicationRecord

    module AasmGem
      module ClassMethods
        def aasm: (*untyped) { () -> void } -> void

        def event: (Symbol) -> void

        def transitions: (from: Symbol, to: Symbol) -> void
    include AasmGem


How about to use extend instead of include?

- include AasmGem
+ extend AasmGem::ClassMethods

Thanks, it's working