pocke / graphql-coverage

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Support for testing multiple graphql schemas

jgrau opened this issue · comments

Hi @pocke

I just found this gem and thinks it's very interesting. My application has two graphql schemas: one for our public api and one for our admin-only application. I tried


but that fails with

An error occurred in a `before(:suite)` hook.
Failure/Error: GraphQL::Coverage.enable(AdminSchema)

  Schema mismatch: expected PublicSchema, got AdminSchema
# ./spec/rails_helper.rb:149:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.01807 seconds (files took 5.52 seconds to load)
0 examples, 0 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples

(the line reference in the error above is GraphQL::Coverage.enable(AdminSchema)

Would it be possible to support testing multiple schemas? Can you see any workarounds?

Thanks for your report! It is an interesting use case.

I have a workaround idea. You can run test twice. For example:

  1. Write GraphQL::Coverage.enable(PublicSchema) into spec_helper.rb.
  2. Run bundle exec rspec
  3. Remove GraphQL::Coverage.enable(PublicSchema) and write GraphQL::Coverage.enable(AdminSchema) into spec_helper.rb.
  4. RUn bundle exec rspec again

In this example, you can get the coverages for both schemas.

But it is clearly inefficient😓 I think this workaround is useful if you need just one-off execution, but it is not enough for continuous execution. I have no idea about continuous execution...

I think it is not a rare case. Therefore, supporting multiple schemas is acceptable.
But we need to refactor it to implement this feature because GraphQL::Coverage singleton stores information.