pnpm / benchmarks-of-javascript-package-managers

Benchmarks of JavaScript Package Managers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please add yarn with PnP turned on

mark-edf opened this issue · comments

It feels like it is a totally different mode that is meant to offer huge speed improvement so would be good to have as a separate category

Seems like a reasonable idea. I haven't worked with yarn PnP yet so I can't say too much about it. Would you be willing to open up a PR with a PnP test added? Don't worry about making the visualization work, I can add that later.

@zkochan what do you think?

I am not sure it will be fair. Currently we test with the default configurations. pnp is not the default configuration of Yarn.

If it will be in a separate section then OK. pnpm will support pnp as well. so there can be a pnp section with yarn and pnpm.

Happy to have a go yeah. Makes sense to include pnpm with that mode too then, didn't know about that. I'll draft a PR with the basic yarn version and see where we go from there


For now, just add Yarn. pnpm's PnP support is still in progress