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[BUG]? - Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission timing out

brianpmccullough opened this issue · comments

Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission is timing out consistently for me.

Reporting an Issue or Missing Feature

The cmdlet is timing out and not completing and indicates a timeout. I have resorted to the M365 CLI which is working for me:
m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add

Expected behavior

Service Principal added and available in https://[tenant]

Actual behavior

Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission : The operation has timed out
At line:1 char:1

  • Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission -Scope "User.ReadBasic.All" ...
  •   + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (:) [Grant-PnPTenant...cipalPermission], WebException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : EXCEPTION,PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Apps.GrantTenantServicePrincipalPermission


Steps to reproduce behavior

Please include complete code samples in-line or linked from gists

$tenant = "[yourtenant]"

$username = [Environment]::UserName
$searcher = [adsisearcher]"(samaccountname=$env:USERNAME)"
$email = $searcher.FindOne().Properties.mail
$email = $email.Replace("", "@$")

if ($cred -eq $null){
$cred = Get-Credential -UserName $email -Message "Please enter your credentials for SharePoint Online in the '$tenant' tennant."

$tenantAdminUrl = "https://$"
Connect-PnPOnline $tenantAdminUrl -Credentials $cred

Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission -Scope "User.ReadBasic.All" -Resource "Microsoft Graph"


Which version of the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets are you using?

  • PnP PowerShell for SharePoint 2013
  • PnP PowerShell for SharePoint 2016
  • PnP PowerShell for SharePoint 2019
  • [X ] PnP PowerShell for SharePoint Online

What is the version of the Cmdlet module you are running?

(you can retrieve this by executing Get-Module -Name sharepointpnppowershell* -ListAvailable)

How did you install the PnP-PowerShell Cmdlets?

  • MSI Installed downloaded from GitHub
  • Installed through the PowerShell Gallery with Install-Module
  • Other means

I've been able to reproduce this behaviour with v3.28.2012.0. the command seems to stall indefinitely.

I've enabled Set-PnPTraceLog to level Debug, it seems to stop after the first step


Repro commands:

Connect-PnPOnline -UseWebLogin
$Scope = "Group.Read.All"; $Resource = "Microsoft Graph"
Set-PnPTraceLog -On -WriteToConsole -Level Debug
Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission -Scope $Scope -Resource $Resource

The tenant is relatively new - a demo tenant provisioned via the Customer Digital Experience portal

Running "Fiddler everywhere" with an open session, after executing Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission command I'm observing a flood of repeated CSOM requests for the search query 'contentclass:STS_Site AND SiteTemplate:APPCATALOG' with a 'IndexDocId > x.xxxxxxxx' appended to the end of the search query.