pnorman / ogr2osm

pnorman's version of UVM's Rewrite of ogr2osm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ImportError: No module named osgeo

toton6868 opened this issue · comments

Recently I have made an update from macOS Catalina to Big Sur. My current GDAL/ogr2ogr 3.1.3 I am trying to convert a Shapefile to OSM with the following code

./ -t translations/ -o my_data.osm -f -v --no-upload-false --never-download --never-upload --verbose data_dir/my_data.shp

Which is returning the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 51, in <module>
    from osgeo import ogr
ImportError: No module named osgeo

This is an issue of your GDAL package, not of this tool.

Exactly. Please have a look where your python bindings for GDAL are installed and try to imagine what will happen when you upgrade python. I am sure you'll find the answer.