pnbruckner / ha-sun2

Home Assistant Sun2 Sensor

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Error on check config - new

bschatzow opened this issue · comments


Platform error sensor.sun2 - cannot import name 'astral_event' from 'custom_components.sun2.helpers' (/config/custom_components/sun2/

Same issue, happened after upgrade to core 2021.5

@bschatzow @4tbs

Other people have reported a similar problem, but honestly, I could never figure out what is causing this. Everyone else seems to have solved the problem either by making sure they're using the latest & greatest release of this custom integration, or by reinstalling it, or by upgrading from 2021.5.0 to 2021.5.1.

If you've tried all that, and are still having problems, let me know. Please tell me exactly what version of HA you're using, exactly what version of this custom component you're using, what your sun2 configuration looks like, and please included any associated error messages from home-assistant.log.

FWIW, I tested this with 2021.5.0 and did not have this problem.

Please see also issue #40.


I did a restart and the error did not come back.