pmndrs / zustand

🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React

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I can't update state with new data from Tanstack Query

devoren opened this issue · comments


Hey! Thank you for awesome library ❤️
I have a form. When I update the form, onSuccess returns the new updated data. I don't understand why my state isn't updating. I don't know why its not updating, because i have the same logic inside useEffect and it works

Link to reproduction

    onSuccess: (data) => {
    // if i set store like this, not working
    // if i set store like this, works



interface StoresState {
  store: IStore | null;
  setStore: (store: IStore | null) => void;

export const useStoresStore = create<StoresState>()(
    (set) => ({
      store: null,
      setStore: (store) => set(() => ({ store })),
      clearStore: () => set({ store: null }),
      name: "stores-zsg",

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  • I've already opened a discussion before opening this issue, or already discussed in other media.

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Please check this if you're filing an issue regarding TypeScript.

  • I've read the typescript guide, in particular that create is to be used as create<T>()(...) and not create<T>(...).

Any solution mate? ran into same problem. State not updating

Any solution mate? ran into same problem. State not updating

Edit:: My mistake. data was inside another data :P got it fixed