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Unnecessary Renders Triggered by a Hook after Migrating to Zustand

lcopilot opened this issue · comments


Unnecessary Renders Triggered by a Hook after Migrating to Zustand


I'm currently in the process of migrating from Redux to Zustand, and I'm facing an issue with a specific hook that triggers unnecessary renders. To ensure a smoother transition and optimize performance, I'm seeking guidance on how to migrate this hook while avoiding the problem of unnecessary renders.

Hooks before migration

import { createSelector } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { stateSelector } from 'app/store/store';
import { useAppSelector } from 'app/store/storeHooks';
import { defaultSelectorOptions } from 'app/store/util/defaultMemoizeOptions';
import { useMemo } from 'react';

export const useNames = (nodeId: string) => {
  const selector = useMemo(
    () =>
        ({ state }) => {
          // This has undergone complex calculations and relevant omissions have been made for code safety
          return 11

  const names = useAppSelector(selector);

  return names;

// app/store/util/defaultMemoizeOptions.ts

import { isEqual } from 'lodash-es';

export const defaultSelectorOptions = {
  memoizeOptions: {
    resultEqualityCheck: isEqual,

Results after migration

import { useMemo } from 'react'
import useFlowStore from '@/store/flow/useFlow'

export const useNames = (nodeId: string) => {
  const nodes=useFlowStore(state=>state.nodes)
  const nodeTemplates=useFlowStore(state=>state.nodeTemplates)

  const names = useMemo(() => {
     // This has undergone complex calculations and relevant omissions have been made for code safety
      //  Used nodeTemplates and nodes
     return 11
  }, [nodeId, nodeTemplates, nodes])
  return names