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I'm retiring

dktapps opened this issue · comments

It’s been a long time coming.

In the coming months, I'll be stepping down from my role in PocketMine-MP, and moving on from Minecraft.

I’ve been working on Minecraft-related projects in one form or another for almost 10 years now. I spent the last 8 of those years working on servers. However, I lost my passion for Minecraft many years ago. I haven’t actually played the game in years (these days I only launch it to test PocketMine changes). I’ve been here so long because of my personal circumstances and mental health issues, not because of interest or enjoyment in Minecraft.

However, my situation has significantly changed in recent years. This is primarily because of my job with Lifeboat Survival Games, which has empowered me to grow significantly. I cannot overstate how tremendously valuable the support of LBSG has been to me in the last few years. Nonetheless, I feel that it's time for me to move on.

My history with PocketMine-MP

I first got into PocketMine in 2016, at a time when I should have been focusing on studying, applying for university, etc. I was pouring effort into PocketMine to distract myself from the extreme pressure I was under, and from mental health issues. I’m ashamed to admit that I folded under the pressure, and found myself jobless and with nowhere to go in September 2016.

In the following 3 and a half years, I got stuck in a rut, because of crippling social anxiety and lack of money, amongst other things. I kept myself afloat financially by working for various server businesses. For the majority of this time, I struggled to make ends meet, but I felt unable to get into better work because of mental health issues. This went on until April 2020, when my money problems boiled over, and I was finally forced to make some major life changes.

I was hired by Lifeboat in April 2020 to help them migrate to PM4, implement support for new versions, and to do work on PocketMine-MP that they needed. This job has hugely benefited me, empowering me to work on improving my mental health and circumstances, while also providing me with low-stress work that I was already familiar with – PocketMine.

However, I've reached a point where I feel that working in the Minecraft space is no longer serving my best interests, and I'm ready to put it behind me.

What I've learned

I’ve learned valuable life skills, made some good friends, and learned a lot about community management – a role that I was spectacularly unfit for at the beginning – and I’d like to believe that I’m leaving this community better off than I found it.

I've also learned that coding isn't my passion. I had the most fun collaborating with friends in taking Minecraft apart to discover how it worked, and solving hard problems, not from coding PocketMine itself. I've enjoyed learning how things work my whole life, ever since I was a little kid taking clicky pens apart in school and putting them back together.

I used to idolize Mojang. However, I now know that Minecraft is developed by people that make mistakes like everyone else. I've learned not to judge people so harshly, and not to idealize people.

I know there are people in the community who idolize me, or look up to me as a role model. As I hope this wall of text makes clear, I'm just another guy that makes dumb mistakes like everyone else.

Future for PocketMine-MP

I'm not stepping down immediately. Nonetheless, the future of the project is uncertain.

I've invested a tremendous amount of effort into this project, at great personal cost. It's become the foundation stone upon which thousands of Minecraft servers have come to depend and trust. When I step down, I want to be sure that I'm leaving the project in good hands with people who respect the values that it's come to embody.

Maintaining and developing PocketMine-MP requires a significant level of commitment, responsibility and expertise. This is especially true considering that maintaining PocketMine-MP is a thankless task which doesn't pay the bills, unless you're fortunate enough to be sponsored by a business using it.
Because of this, I don't foresee anyone coming in to replace me in my role of benevolent dictator. If PocketMine-MP survives my departure, it will be because of a team effort.

@IvanCraft623, @ShockedPlot7560, @TobiasGrether, @dries-c and @TwistedAsylumMC have been granted access to various parts of the code in order to perform future maintenance for game updates. However, they are not being paid to do so, and the decision of how much effort to invest is entirely theirs.

Sadly, it's easy for me to foresee a future in which all the large servers maintain their own forks, and the smaller servers die off. I hope that this doesn't happen, but it won't be my problem to solve anymore.

Future of the black cat

I'm still figuring that part out right now.

I didn't choose Minecraft. I just stumbled into it because my life came apart at the seams, and I discovered that I could make a little money from doing stuff for Minecraft servers. For various reasons, this is the first time in my life that I've had a good opportunity to decide what I actually want to do, instead of being pulled along by the flow.

The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to do gamedev or anything to do with Minecraft. Perhaps not even software development, although it's difficult to just throw away over a decade of experience (as well as becoming one of OpenUK's top 100 OSS influencers in the UK). I want to do something impactful in the real world.

Yes, I'm 26, and I still don't have a good idea what I want to do. If you're out there reading this and don't know what you want to do either, maybe this makes you feel better :)

Thank You

There are many people I owe my gratitude to, too many to count.

  • @shoghicp - for creating the project that got me through the worst years of my life, and also providing PMMP with servers to host our infrastructure
  • @rteder and @dishrex from Lifeboat - for the job that's empowered and liberated me in the last few years
  • @Intyre - for guiding me during the early days of PMMP, helping me learn how to reverse-engineer Minecraft, and more
  • @HBIDamian - for being a steady hand for the community before I knew how to do that
  • @brandon15811 - for tirelessly maintaining PMMP's infrastructure through the years, behind the scenes
  • @99leonchang - for hosting some of our infrastructure on a VPS pro bono
  • @robske110 - an old friend I collaborated with on Minecraft development back in 2016
  • ZedCee - an old friend who helped me to be less of a jerk in 2016
  • Von from PigRaid - a good friend who gave me great advice, sponsored me in 2017-2018
  • @NiclasOlofsson (gurun) - a great friend and collaborator with whom I had a lot of fun reverse-engineering the protocol in 2017-2019
  • @SOF3 - a good friend and collaborator since the very beginning, who always had unique insights into problems whenever I was stuck on things
  • Our Discord and Forums community moderators, past and present
  • Donors and Patrons, past and present, who have helped to pay for PMMP's infrastructure and offset the cost of development
  • Code contributors, for trying to help improve the project
  • Server and plugin developers, for building cool stuff with PocketMine-MP and making me feel like I was doing something useful for the world


After a long run, it's time for me to move on. PocketMine-MP got me through one of the most difficult times of my life, which I'll always be thankful for. I've also learned a huge amount, made friends, and gained valuable experience.

Finally – There's probably many people in this community silently struggling with mental health issues, just like me. You're not alone, and you're not crazy. Talk to someone you trust, even if you don't know how to explain properly. People who genuinely care will help you get the support you need.

thank you for the years of hard work and dedication just so people could create amazing things ❤️

God bless you for giving me everything i have in my life right now without even knowing about it 🙏🏻 good luck with your future endeavors madlad!

Ah well
Good luck with your future dylan

We didn't talk often, and the few times I came, in general it was a misunderstanding on my part about the way you wanted to develop pocketmine.
It's true that many people take you for their idol and that's understandable. You have done so much for pocketmine, deploying updates as quickly as possible and also allowing the understanding and passion of programming to many young people under 16 years old.
your course on pocketmine is mind-blowing, like many you started from nothing, and like few of us you managed to overcome the bridge of difficulty that there was to completely understand development.
honestly, even if I criticized you a lot for the way you made your decisions (overwriting items for example lol) you were a savior, and above all a person who allowed many to realize their dreams.
unfortunately the French community did not spare you, taking advantage of a small error that happened there, errors on your side as well as on Mojang's side.
I don't know what else to say, except that we will certainly miss you, and that we will have difficulty finding someone with your skills and dedication

It's been a good run.

Good luck on the future Dylan! Hope you get a good and steady career, and have a good life man.


I hope you find your calling, and a steady happy career whether thats software development or not :)

All the best, and DMs always open for chit chat 🫡

bro is retiring from an open-source project



I hope you find what you're looking for and a steady, happy career. Good luck Dylan, you are the best.

Thank you very much for making me find meaning in my life too. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck Dylan

Good luck with your life, Dylan 👌

Thank you very much for your hard work so far Dylan. Good luck!

Thanks y'all for the kind comments ❤️

In the least cringe and fanboy way possible:

Thanks for all you've done. You've kept up the addiction of many 12-year-olds (and more to come) by maintaining this software and inspired a lot (including me) to start programming and using PM. On behalf of the millions of players who don't even know or understand your impact on this game, thank you.

I wish you great things in your future endeavors, Inshallah.

Good luck with your future, Thank you for your hard work here.


It has been quite the journey. Thank you for updating PocketMine for all those years. Good luck on your future projects!

Thanks for doing what I couldn't at the time. Congrats in a way as well, and good luck to whoever has to deal to the (now heavily decreased thanks to you) legacy code leftover.

It's been a long journey, thank you dylan!


Wish you luck in the future, and thank you for all your hard work!

thank you for all you've done for us, be assured we are very grateful for all the things you've accomplished along the years of maintaining pocketmine..

for sure your efforts succeeded to have an impact on my life as it cleared the road for me to explore and enjoy developing plugins based on pocketmine.

thank you dylan :)❤️.

Thanks for your hard work, dylan. Even tho i have only known about pocketmine since 2020. It has changed who i am today. For the better. Ive made friends who have the same interests as i did. Ive learned new things and went out of my comfort shell to create plugins for People to utilise and enjoy on Pocketmine. We Salute you 🫡

Thank you for all your hard work Dylan. I don't think I would've decided to become a developer if I never found PocketMine.

Good luck in all your future endeavours.

I was struggling with my study, well a lot of other things since 2016, maybe because I didn't cope with changes in life as I thought I did. I was checking PMMP updates very often and was just happy that I can set up a server so I can login with my phone and tablet, and aimlessly loitering there or let people I care in the server to loiter with me aimlessly. I don't know if I enjoyed the game itself at that time, but I'm very grateful for your work in this. I thought hey Dylan is the guy that makes my server keep working, the game changes now and then and he is the anchor that hold this server of my safe space in place. Thank you for sharing your story with us, hope you all the best!

I have been using PocketMine MP since 2019. Whatever you and your team have done until now is something interesting for me, thank you for developing this project, I know this project will not die easily. A little annoyed because you left and I just gathered great developers to provide pocketmine plugin development services hoping one day to work together with you

I hope life treats you well after your departure. Like you, I've also strayed away from actually playing the game and honestly lost a inner-passion that I had before. I am seventeen and have contemplated quitting to pursue other beneficial things outside of the internet. Seeing you say that coding wasn't really your passion is also something I realized that pertains to me as well. Have a good life. 👍

Thanks for your remarkable works on PocketMine 🫡 and Good luck in your future!

Thanks Dylan, your work made me change my course of life in 2017, and got me into software engineering, a thing that I actually thought of as something impossible to overcome.

Hi Dylan,

As someone from the Geyser team, I just wanted to thank you for your contributions to Bedrock reverse engineering. I've always been personally impressed by not only PocketMine itself, but the various data extracting tools required for its development that you and others so graciously provide to the community free of charge.

I also know that you have always taken the time to answer questions from some of us when we were stuck in a block trying to figure out wtf Mojang broke with X update. From my perspective, you've definitely left the general Bedrock community a better place than you've found it.

Best of luck on wherever the future takes you!

i wish you good luck and great success in future

An entire era has passed...

Thank you for everything, Dylan. You are one of the best and professional developers I know. I wish you good luck in the future

You didn't have to make PocketMine-MP software trash to make people leave you. Just say "I quit", bravely.

thanks for your hard work and support pocketmine-mp

Thanks Dylan for your hardwork, know that your contributions to pocketmine not only upheld its functionality but also ignited passion in aspiring programmers worldwide, especially among countless teenagers and children, paving the way for them to become programmers, leading to lucrative opportunities, unbeknownst to many, including yourself.

You are good


Good luck to you Dylan and above all take care of yourself! 👌

Thank you for all Dylan!

In all those years Pocketmine has inspired me to start programming. Got a degree in software development and now proceeding following my dream and got into university learning everything about game programming.
I don't think my passion for programming would have been here if pocketmine wasn't around.
I'm very grateful for the experiences I gained because of it.
Thank you Dylan! 💜

Thanks for everything, Dylan!

Thank you Dylan, And Good Luck For Future!


We appreciate your hard work and effort Dylan, thank you. Wishing you all the best for your future, and in achieving your desired goals.

I am bad at speeches so i am not even gonna try....
Hope you the best journey whatever comes next tho

Best wishes to you!

This is the end of an era, thanks for everything man ❤️

Thank you for all those years and for what you made for community !:)

Thank you for your contribution and inspiration to many aspiring programmers. Your work has become an unsurpassed example for many. I hope that your retirement will be an incentive for the development of those who are just starting their journey in the IT field. May you find a new direction in this world and continue to inspire others. Good luck to you in your new endeavors.

       .-                  ++---+.                                
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Thank you for your work over the years :D

Thanks everyone for your kind comments <3

I've long had impostor syndrome, and it's still quite bizarre to know that my work here has influenced and/or inspired so many people. I've spent a long time with my head wrapped up in my own problems, and there's been many times when I felt like I'd wasted years of my life.

Your anecdotes are a welcome reminder of the effect that this project has had on people's lives.
Thank you for your anecdotes, and if I inspired you in some way, I'm very glad to hear it.

Thank you so much 🙏
You did a great work and I wish you the best for the future.

Hi, I'm Jonas, a student and software developer from Germany.

While I wasn't always a fan of your approach, and thought you might have been a bit strict with the pmmp community, it's sad to see you go. It's even sadder that neither I nor the community knew what was happening behind the scenes. (I understand my limited experience doesn't represent the whole community.)

This whole situation – this thread, this message – has changed my perspective on PocketMine-MP significantly. I can relate to a lot of the struggles you mentioned, like balancing real life, financial pressures, and mental health.

For years, I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with my parents, had almost no friends, and I was isolated from others by my mom, spending most of my time alone in my room.

Well before the pandemic, my dad bought me a copy of Minecraft. However, convincing him to get the Java edition (the one everyone at school played) from the website proved difficult. He's quite cautious with online security, especially when money's involved. So, he bought the Bedrock edition because he trusted the Windows store. Funny detail of the story is that, we went to a local supermarket for the gift card with his tractor – why not, right?

Once I realized you could play on external servers in Bedrock edition, I joined a minecraft server. Back then, I knew nothing about programming or all of the "nerd stuff" some may call it 😃 – I didn't even know it existed! But seeing players curious about the server's "developers," I wanted to learn more.

I got hooked, instantly.

After researching the server I played on, I found this amazing project, PocketMine-MP. Through Google, YouTube, and old forums, I got into plugin development. Up until then, I hadn't found a real hobby. My mom forced me to do activities like music and sports, but I really hated them.

Ever since I was about three, I'd been fascinated by computers. Even at that young age I started playing around with my dads work computer. But I never knew programming was a thing.

Thanks to PocketMine-MP, I learned to program, became fluent in English (which was rough at first! – Just some basics from school), and found joy in the details of coding. I admired the people who used their computers to create fun experiences for others.

Years later, I landed a job that allows me to make money doing what I love. In my view that is all because of PocketMine-MP, because of the hours that you spend, that inspired me to get here.

So, thank you. Thank you for unknowingly changing my life drastically for the better. You showed me what I truly enjoy doing in my free time and at work. You also gave me the courage to be myself, not who others expect me to be.

In essence, this project taught me how to learn, how to focus (better than all of the therapy's I was forced to go to), and how to speak English. Looking back, it helped me escape a difficult situation and discover my passions and purpose. Thank you more than words can express.

Thank you for over ten years of PocketMine-MP. You are a legend dylan!

Thank you for maintaining one of the most influential mcpe projects and inspiring many to create their own servers and plugins.

Thank you for all you've done over the years :) There was not a single day where I wasn't amazed by your commitment to pmmp and of just how much of an integral and powerful part you are of this community. You left an ever-lasting impact on many who value your work and you as a human. While it is a bittersweet thing to see your time on pmmp come to an end, I'm happy to hear you are moving on towards new challenges. There is only love as well as respect for your decision in my heart and I sincerely hope whenever you look back on this part of your life, you will be reminded by all the nice comments.

I wish you the best for the future, Dylan

Sally <3


For years, I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with my parents, had almost no friends, and I was isolated from others by my mom, spending most of my time alone in my room.

Yup, I can relate. Sounds like you and I have some things in common. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad to hear that you were able to make something good come out of it :)

One thing I've noticed in my time here is that this community seems to attract troubled kids. I was no exception. I didn't write so much about it here because the OP was getting too long already (and also it's not easy to talk about publicly) but let's just say I've been through a lot of shit and I fully sympathise with anyone else who had bad childhoods too.


For years, I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with my parents, had almost no friends, and I was isolated from others by my mom, spending most of my time alone in my room.

Yup, I can relate. Sounds like you and I have some things in common. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad to hear that you were able to make something good come out of it :)

One thing I've noticed in my time here is that this community seems to attract troubled kids. I was no exception. I didn't write so much about it here because the OP was getting too long already (and also it's not easy to talk about publicly) but let's just say I've been through a lot of shit and I fully sympathise with anyone else who had bad childhoods too.

I have played MCPE since it came out on the phone and I use PocketMine to make my servers after SteadFast and I thank you for continuing PocketMine to make PocketMine-MP

@dktapps Yea, I met a lot of people in the community that went through a lot of bad stuff at young age. Wonders me why that is the case...

Thank you for your immense contributions to PocketMine-MP and for sharing your journey. your honesty and dedication have made a lasting impact on the Minecraft community. wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. take care and thank you for everything. xD

Thank you for everything Dylan, you really did a lot for us! Good luck in the future!

Thank you for all these years Dylan! PocketMine is my childhood. I have met many great friends and found myself enjoying in the development of pm plugin. I wish you the best of luck on the future🥰

All I want to say is thank you so much for all the work you've done over the last 8 years, Dylan!
We all know that PocketMine would not be what it is today without you.

I hope you understand how big the difference you made really is - as you said, there are literally thousands of server owners that work hour after hour every week on their pet projects using PocketMine as a basis for their infrastructure. Of course, it's sad to see you finally move on, but I can totally understand your decision and wish you all the best for the future. 💙

Hey Dylan,

Thanks for the years you put into maintaining PocketMine, it's truly not an easy task to maintain such a complex project that it has turned into.

I remember back then when 3.0 was in alpha and that was around when I started trying PocketMine and wanting to implement my own features, PocketMine had a plugin api which allowed me to built on top of something I liked. Without knowing PocketMine, I probably won't have stumbled into the field of programming and wouldn't have an idea on what to do with my life.

I felt that the people I've found through the community has been some of the most incredibly talented people I've worked in which is really surprising since this is a block game at the end of the day.

I hope you're doing better after 2020 especially after your computer broke down for awhile.

Anyways, all the best with your future endeavors. I don't want to make this long.

Love you from French skids <3

PMMP was my childhood, and it's what eventually got me into software development. I hope that whatever you do next you find enjoyable and hopefully pays the bills for you. Thank you for everything!

EDIT: just to prove you did more than you realize

Thanks for everything Dylan! <3

have good life old friend :) , you do not know who am i , but its what happen what i told u 3 y ago , do u understand me ? i just wanted to say you do not west your time , your time is all of you have in this time , but u didnt heard me , but its ok
you can start again , Just trust your self

I received news a few hours ago that the French are causing trouble for you, but don't worry, after I finish my work with them, I will make sure to settle all the troubles of the past two years. No matter the distance between us or the legal issues they have caused, I will reach out to our old account and send a message, my old friend :)

Mr. unknown

For years I escaped my problems with various games until I met PocketMine-MP, I met several good friends who helped me escape my school problems, and I also learned that with letters you can imagine something you have in your mind. be it tools, games, libraries for developers, and make it happen with this software, and so I started my path through this community, I learned, I improved, I was bothered by code errors, and all that, but on my own, until I knew what I could ask for help, and there were communities expressly dedicated to teaching (I think), and well as time went by I had to stop making PM plugins, because my problems reached the point of no longer being able to escape and and take responsibility for it, and good. I recently returned to where I was happy, here. (I never did anything with my plugins, I never sold anything I made, it was all just learning and having fun doing it) [I'm a spanish].

I wish you the best I can wish for, a good life, without problems or any of that shit.

You created the best for us , Good Luck.

Thank you for some of the best years of my life, Dylan! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. ❤️

It's true that you're not necessarily a person I appreciate, but if I'm passionate about development, it's thanks to you. You've done a lot for PMMP (some good and some bad), but I can't thank you enough for all the work you've done.

Good luck for the future.

Hi Dylan,

thank you for the honorable mention, although I don't deserve of it.
Thank you for all you have done! For singlehandedly making PocketMine-MP rise from ashes. For doing an incredible job on a technical level, including pushing a language to its absolute limits. And most importantly for this community and especially the people in it.
You enabled so much in so many others. There are not many that can attribute that to themselves, be proud of that! You already did something incredibly impactful to this world.
I wish you all the best with your future. I know you will continue to do great things where you'll go or end up.

4 years ago I didn't know what I wanted to work on, at that time I loved playing minecraft. Curious about how servers worked, I started learning how to make plugins, which inspired me to become a software developer.

Thanks for everything Dylan!

You've done a lot of good for the community, good luck with your future endeavors!


Thank you for all these years and for contributing so much to this great community. You are big.

Thank you very much for having worked for years to provide a simple and efficient type of ready-to-use server and a stable API. You are a very courageous person with experience.

All the best for the future!

Hey Dylan,

Thanks for everything you've done over the years. I discovered PocketMine in early 2017, during the early stages of the 3.0.0-ALPHA saga. You've always been a beacon of guidance and advice for so many young developers from all over the world taking their first steps in the world of programming. You enabled the existence of a huge MCPE community and I think you've had a significant impact on the game. It is truly admirable how far you were able to take a language like PHP. While I've moved on from Minecraft and programming in general, I look back fondly on the memories I've made, chatting and laughing on the Discord server, receiving and giving help, building plugins for the community. You made all that possible.

I wish you the best in all your future endeavors.

Thank you everyone for the kind messages, there's too many for me to respond to all, but I see them <3

Thanks to you and the many other contributors who keep pmmp going, I found programming. Through engineering I have learned a lot while enjoying Minecraft. Thank you for all you’ve done for me.

I sincerely believe you will accomplish great things in real life. Keep moving forward with confidence.

Best regards from Japan,

Heartfelt thanks for your unwavering dedication in keeping this project alive for so many years, and rest assured that your name will always be remembered for this remarkable achievement.

It's not just software; it's something that has made possible countless unforgettable moments in the lives of many. How many people have had years of fun on Pocketmine servers? Whether they were players or server owners, you have been a big part of everyone's journey.

You've learned a lot, and many have learned from you.

I can't even begin to count the many good memories I have of creating servers with my friends, let alone the hours spent figuring out pthreads.

I wish you lots of health and success.

From one among many in Brazil, thank you.

Not only did you earn money and disappointment with this project, you gained the admiration of several. Good luck with your future challenges.

Thanks for make me programmer :)

Hello, Dylan

2021, about three years ago, I started learning how to create a Minecraft server, and I found Pocketmine-MP. At that time, I was interested in starting my career as a Pocketmine-MP developer. From PM3 to PM5, I learned a lot of things.

Thank you for everything,


[moderator edit] removed quote of entire OP


Hello Dylan
I'm 26 yrs old just like you.
I was also struggling with mental health and Minecraft was an escape for me.
Now I'm having a job and trying to solve problems in real life and trying to do stuff in the real world.
But I regularly checked this and was always excited when you added new things.
Thanks for your hardwork!
I will always remember this time and this part of my childhood :)
Hope your having a good future
Always remember that nothing that you learned or did is wasted, just part of your journey
We still have a long time to enjoy life!


What a ride it's been.

Thank you very much for your hard work :)

ily dyan