pmelchior / scarlet

hyperspectral galaxy modeling and deblending

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Multi-resolution bug with point sources

herjy opened this issue · comments

When initialising point sources in multi-resolution, the sources are created just fine, but running the get_model causes an error:

~/Desktop/LSST_Project/scarlet/scarlet/ in _psf_wrapper(self, *parameters)
    121     def _psf_wrapper(self, *parameters):
--> 122         return self.model_frame.psf.__call__(*parameters, bbox=self.bbox)[0]

The same thing happens in the new factorized branch.

This should be fixed by #204, specifically 0a798c7. Please confirm when the PR is merged

I think so too from what I read.

Can you confirm that this is fixed now?

Appologies, yes, I tested this and Iconfirm, this is fixed now. Closing the issue.