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pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools [NetFlow IPFIX sFlow libpcap BGP BMP RPKI IGP Streaming Telemetry].

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sFlow Probe Plugin - ifindex, ifname and host missing at InMon sFlow RT Prometheus exporter

DiegoRussi opened this issue · comments

What's the issue?

Exported sflows don't have host or ifname fields @ InMon sFlow RT Prometheus exporter

pmacctd config:

    plugins:sfprobe, memory

sflows received don't have host or ifname fields:

$ curl
sflow_ifinpkts{agent="2605:32c0:a00b:27:0:0:0:99", datasource="1", ifadminstatus="up", ifindex="1", ifoperstatus="up", ifspeed="100M", iftype="ethernetCsmacd", instance="localhost:8008", job="sflow-rt-metrics"}

We are trying to figure this out based on results from a Juniper MX router that shows the same source IP Address defined for all flows and interfaces:

sflow_ifinpkts{agent="2605:32c0:5670:0:206:55:240:95", datasource="608", host="", ifadminstatus="up", ifindex="608", ifname="et-1/1/10", ifoperstatus="up", ifspeed="100G", iftype="ethernetCsmacd", instance="localhost:8008", job="sflow-rt-metrics"}
sflow_ifinpkts{agent="2605:32c0:5670:0:206:55:240:95", datasource="609", host="", ifadminstatus="up", ifindex="609", ifname="et-1/1/11", ifoperstatus="up", ifspeed="100G", iftype="ethernetCsmacd", instance="localhost:8008", job="sflow-rt-metrics"}

Juniper sFlow config:

    USER@cr1-ke1-phx> show configuration | grep sflow | display set
    set protocols sflow agent-id inet6 2605:32c0:5670:0:206:55:240:8
    set protocols sflow polling-interval 5
    set protocols sflow sample-rate ingress 2048
    set protocols sflow sample-rate egress 2048
    set protocols sflow source-ip inet6 2605:32c0:5670:0:206:55:240:8
    set protocols sflow collector 2605:32c0:a003:2a:744e:2d7c:30e4:74e3 udp-port 6343
    set protocols sflow interfaces et-1/1/5.0
    set protocols sflow interfaces et-1/1/6.0

We tried using pcap_ifindex: sys but nothing new so far.
Any hints on this are appreciated.

Promiscuous Mode Accounting Daemon, pmacctd 1.7.5-git (20200510-00)
NetFlow Accounting Daemon, nfacctd 1.7.5-git (20200510-00)
libpcap version 1.9.1 (with TPACKET_V3)

Linux 5.15.106-yocto-standard #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 5 09:25:02 UTC 2023 x86_64

gcc 9.5.0

Hi Diego ( @DiegoRussi ),

I see you are using 1.7.5. Any chance you can give a try to master code here in GitHub and see whether that solves at least the host part. I see in sfprobe defaults are set, then config option correctly processed then the agent is initialized - so you should not be seeing but rather the value set as sfprobe_agentip. I'll look at the interface part of it.


Appreciate your quick response!

I will surely try out master

May bad that was wrong, I edited that bit, there was a misunderstanding and we are really having the sfprobe_agentip correctly:

$ curl
sflow_ifinpkts{agent="2605:32c0:a00b:27:0:0:0:99", datasource="1", ifadminstatus="up", ifindex="1", ifoperstatus="up", ifspeed="100M", iftype="ethernetCsmacd", instance="localhost:8008", job="sflow-rt-metrics"}

Hi @paololucente ,

In short: ifindex, ifname and host are missing when using InMon sFlow RT Prometheus exporter.

That happened in two different OSs for now:

  • ubuntu 22.04.2 kernel 5.15.0-75-generic
  • yocto based Linux, kernel 5.15.106-yocto-standard

As you mentioned. I tested the latest pmacct and host field is still missing: pmacct IMT plugin client, pmacct 1.7.9-git (20230818-1 (958a7e35))

pmacct command:
pmacctd -F /tmp/network_flow_pid/pid -N -f ens160.conf

pmacct sfprobe config:


Prometheus output:

sflow_ifspeed{agent="", datasource="1", ifadminstatus="up", ifindex="1", ifoperstatus="up", ifspeed="100M", iftype="ethernetCsmacd", instance="", job="sflow-rt"}

Already tried below but no luck yet:

  • pcap_ifindex: sys
  • pcap_ifindex: map & pcap_interfaces_map: /path/to/ ifindex=202 ifname=ens160
  • sfprobe_ifindex: 2 (ERROR: [ens160.conf] nfprobe_ifindex and sfprobe_ifindex cannot be global. Not loaded.)

I would like to configure ifname and ifindex per interface config.

Is this configuration correct or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Diego ( @DiegoRussi ),

Oh, i see, you would like the host, ie. in one of your examples above, on top of agent. I was referring to agent, and mixing it up with host.

Wrt the ifindex, say you configure as follows:

plugins: sfprobe[foo]
sfprobe_ifindex[foo]: 2

That should work allright. Can you give it a try and let me know?

In short, I can confirm that host and ifname are currently not supported - but agent and ifindex definitely are and should be working.


Hi Paolo (@paololucente)

Actually, the agent part is working perfectly.

I am reaching out about your last feedback using the configuration below:

plugins: sfprobe[foo]
sfprobe_ifindex[foo]: 2

That doesn't change ifindex at InMon/Prometheus collectors, I always see ifindex="1".

So far, ifindex, ifname and host are missing.

Configuration tested in both ubuntu 22.04.2 kernel 5.15.0-75-generic & yocto based Linux:

sfprobe_ifindex[foo]: 55
#sfprobe_ifindex: 2
#pcap_ifindex: map
#pcap_interfaces_map: /tmp/


Hi Diego ( @DiegoRussi ),

Still related to the ifindex, any chance you can try some more recent version of pmacct than 1.7.5? Possibly even master code from GitHub? I tested it working for me & i suspect the issue with it may lie in the slightly older code you are running.


Hi Paolo (@paololucente)

Configuration tested in both ubuntu 22.04.2 kernel 5.15.0-75-generic & yocto based Linux:

This ubuntu test above tested the latest pmacct and ifindex does not show up.
pmacct IMT plugin client, pmacct 1.7.9-git (20230818-1 (958a7e35))

The test you mentioned was the sfprobe plugin along with InMon sFlow RT Prometheus exporter or another tool?

Appreciate your attention and help on this one.

Hi Diego ( @DiegoRussi ),

This was pmacctd / sfprobe against sflowtool, ie. (setting ifindex to 100 and agent ip to

[ .. ]
startDatagram =================================
datagramSourceIP XX.XX.XX.XX
datagramSize 1264
unixSecondsUTC 1695127448
localtime 2023-09-19T12:44:08+0000
datagramVersion 5
agentSubId 0
agent   <---------
packetSequenceNo 26
sysUpTime 3000
samplesInPacket 5
startSample ----------------------
sampleType_tag 0:2
sampleSequenceNo 1
sourceId 0:1
counterBlock_tag 0:1
ifIndex 100 <----------------------
networkType 6
ifSpeed 100000000
[ .. ]

Hi Paolo (@paololucente)

Thanks, I confirm we could see the ifindex at sflowtool.

But the issue happens at InMon sFlow RT + Prometheus exporter - we cannot see ifindex.
Also ifname/ifspeed/iftype/etc are always default values.

We could conclude that exporting both interfaces ethX/wwanX, on the Prometheus tool the ifindex/ifname/ifspeed/type are consistently reported as the same but they are not.


Hi Diego ( @DiegoRussi ),

For sure the support for this in pmacct is rudimentary and i can confirm that at the moment the only thing that could change, basing on the config, is ifindex (as you can see in sflowtool); the changing ifindex i would expect to see it reflected also in the other tool sFlow-RT -- unless this tool derives information in some other way, ie. because the name is the same then it must be the same interface. The rest is all fixed, name, speed, type; we could think to add one or multiple config knob where these aspects can be defined, and hence i guess see them reflected in the sFlow samples.
