plutext / docx4j

JAXB-based Java library for Word docx, Powerpoint pptx, and Excel xlsx files

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Some settings are not taken into account (image directory)

toki07 opened this issue · comments


When redefining the image directory path, some images are still in the default directory.

WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new File("/some/docxfile.docx"));
FOSettings foSettings = new FOSettings(wordMLPackage);

ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Docx4J.toFO(foSettings, os, Docx4J.FLAG_EXPORT_PREFER_XSL);

This is caused by :

Document getAreaTreeViaFOP(WordprocessingMLPackage hfPkg, boolean useXSLT, FOSettings foSettingsOverall) throws Docx4JException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException  {

FOSettings foSettingsHere = Docx4J.createFOSettings();

foSettingsHere use only some of the redefined settings from foSettingsOverall. And thus use the default directory for image generation.