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base_url issue with images

pinggit opened this issue · comments

this work fine previously , when I use:

  • default _config.yaml

  • root of a http server as my website

         ![win7dos](/images/win7dos.jpg "win7dos")

now , I decided to use one of the sub-folder of the same website under root, and I already set:

but still my image links refers to :

instead of

I read issue (65)

and I tried:

               ![win7dos](/images/win7dos.jpg "win7dos")
               ![win7dos]({{ BASE_PATH }}/images/win7dos.jpg "win7dos")

none of them worked...

but even if it could, still I think that makes the blog really hard to port -- do I need to modify content of every post in order for it to be migrated?

Looks like BASE_PATH didn't get set properly.
Have you tried jekyll serve --safe and see if it solves the problem locally?

I'll review the comments, try to repro the issue, then test and create PR.

Regarding the question:

do I need to modify content of every post in order for it to be migrated?

I think the answer is yes. Your first example uses absolute pathing. The modified example shows relative pathing. I think the answer is to always favor relative (e.g. {{ BASE_PATH }}/images/my-image.jpg), since it works in both scenarios.

   ![win7dos](/images/win7dos.jpg "win7dos")
   ![win7dos]({{ BASE_PATH }}/images/win7dos.jpg "win7dos")

Agree with @marshallshen's comment. Looks like BASE_PATH didn't get set properly, or wasn't included in the post(s) via {% include JB/setup %}.

Given the age and inactivity on this issue, marking as closed for now. Feel free to reopen if you have more information or still need help.


I got a same issue but solved it. The reason why BASE_PATH was not extracted is
missing of "jekyll.environment" in my environment, so just run "JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build"
was help for me.

It's bettter to add mention for it to _config.yml .

Thanks for the update.