plus3it / cfn-gitlab

Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy GitLab onto STIG-hardened EL7 Amazon instances

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Monitor/Work Around 11.2+ Issues With Systemd

ferricoxide opened this issue · comments

Problem Description:

Per GitLab Documentation Update, with the release of 11.2, a bug was introduced that causes gitlab-ctl reconfigure to block/hang when executed from systemd. Until/unless this issue is fixed, it will be necessary work around this limitation.

Expected Behavior:

Automated-deployments of GitLab versions 11.2+ function as they had with all prior versions.

Actual Behavior:

Automated redeployments fail due to a hang/deadlock that only happens when deployment is initiated from systemd.

(Detailed) Steps to reproduce:

  • Upgrade a pre-11.2 system to 11.2 (or higher), then attempt to do an automated-redeploy.
  • Attempt to stand up a new 11.2 (or higher)

Fix recommendation:

None. Fix is contingent on vendor-initiated code-fix.


Move gitlab-ctl reconfigure step out of initial build-process into something that runs after CFn has marked the build Green and after systemd has fully booted the system.

Closed by #20