plumatic / plumbing

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graph lazy-compile doesn't behave lazy :)

tangrammer opened this issue · comments

Hi friends,
Today I tried to use this minimal use of plumbing.graph/lazy-compile fn

(def lg
   {:http-listener (fnk [system] (-> system :http-listener-listener))
    :server (fnk [http-listener] (run-server (-> http-listener :h) {:port 8010}))}))

But when I invoke this graph

(def result (lg {:system system}))

I get my server running before I reference (:server result)

But theoretically this server shouldn't start in lazy-compile mode ....

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the report. But I can't seem to replicate:

user> (def g (graph/lazy-compile {:a (fnk [x] (println "A" x) (inc x)) 
                                  :b (fnk [a] (println "B" a) (* a 2))}))
user> (def res (g {:x 2}))
user> (:a res)
A 2
user> (:b res)
B 3

Can you please provide a reduced test case in this style (using printlns or other side effects to show when nodes are executed) that I can run at the REPL?

Hi Jason,
the behaviour happens when I don't use def in the call
dev> (lg {:system system})
But I realised that makes sense due that I'm returning (and deriving => printing) the full map on the REPL

Thanks again!