pluja / nerostr

nostr paid relay, but with monero

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Nginx reverse proxy

alaakaazaam opened this issue · comments

Hi pluja,
i’m giving all my time to this docker-compose file and i can say that it starts to finally work : i can access the pay-wall
and add public keys via API (curl cmdline)

Only issue is with nginx reverse-proxy, see :
nginx doesn’t allow duplicate entrypoint ( here the slash ‘/’)
so i declared 8089 port in yml file and left 7777 port for strfry service

server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8089;

    location /strfry-nerostr-relay {
       proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass http://localhost:7777;

I tried multiples configurations but all of them hit a wall when clicking ‘Pay-to-relay’ button :

{"error":"Post \"http://monero-wallet-rpc:28081/json_rpc\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}

I event tried to replace 'monero-wallet-rpc' with my own monero-node-url [ localhost :) ] but without success

Shouldn’t the vhost file contain those sort of lines, where app2 would be declared in docker-compose.yml ?

server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://nerostr:8089;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

    location /app2/ {
        proxy_pass http://strfry-nerostr-relay:7777;

Cheers, wish you the best

I am having the same issues with a similar set up

{"error":"Post \"http://monero-wallet-rpc:28081/json_rpc\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}

I tried adding NAT routing rules in the DOCKER chain because didn't exist in there, to no avail however.

Looking to set this up please advise.

@alaakaazaam I figured this out, change the --rpc-bind-port option in the docker-compose.yml to be 28081


Hi, sorry for this, you are right, I have released a new version that should solve this and it won't be necessary to set it to 28081, so you can leave 18083 which is the default