plougher / squashfs-tools

tools to create and extract Squashfs filesystems

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does mksquashfs 4.6.1 support generating squashfs 2.0 systems?

motogodfather opened this issue · comments

Since some old Motorola cell phone firmware uses squashfs2.1 file system, I wonder if mksquashfs 4.6.1 can support to generate squashfs2.1 image file?

No, Mksquashfs 4.6.1 cannot generate v2.1 filesystems as they're obsolete (and have been since about 2006).

The last release of Squashfs-tools that can generate v2.1 filesystems is squashfs2.2-r2 released in 2005. This is available on Sourceforge here

Unfortunately because that release is 18 years old, the code no longer compiles on modern Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu etc).

If you are able and happy to build Squashfs-tools from source, I will be prepared to update the squashfs2.2-r2 source code so that it can be built on a modern Linux distribution, and I will either attach the updated tarball here, or a patch to the tarball on Sourceforge.

Please say whether you're able to download and build the source code from scratch, and apply a patch.

I have attached a zip file of the updated squashfs2.2-r2 release source code, and a patch file against the tarball on Sourceforge (

Please let me know if you need help in compiling it etc.

I have attached a zip file of the updated squashfs2.2-r2 release source code, and a patch file against the tarball on Sourceforge (

Please let me know if you need help in compiling it etc. update.patch

The mksquashfs file can be built from the source code you provided (build environment: 6.2.0-37-generic #38~22.04.1-Ubuntu)
Can you provide the unsquashfs source code for squashfs2.1 as well?

Unsquashfs did not exist in Squashfs 2.x. But any Unsquashfs from 2007 onwards, such as Unsquashfs 4.6.1 etc. supports reading Squashfs 2.x filesystems.