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[BUG] Import error with typing_extensions == 4.9.0

abetatos opened this issue · comments

Thank you so much for helping improve the quality of Dash!

We do our best to catch bugs during the release process, but we rely on your help to find the ones that slip through.

Describe your context

python 3.9.7
typing_extensions == 4.9.0

dash                 2.14.0
dash-core-components 2.0.0
dash-html-components 2.0.0
dash-table           5.0.0

Describe the bug

When importing dash an error was returned related to typing_extensions (cannot import name 'NotRequired' from 'typing_extensions').
Falling back to the lower version possible that dash permitted for typing extensions fixed the bug (4.1.1)

Hi @abetatos

I cannot reproduce this error after installing typing_extensions 4.9.0 on a new linux venv, NotRequired import fine and looking at the changelog I don't see a removal/deprecation mention. Can you share the stacktrace?

Sorry, it was a temporal environment to which I don't have access anymore.
Tried to reproduce it in my local machine but I couldn't replicate the error.


Closing the issue for now. Issue will be reopened if the aforementioned error can be reproduced.