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[BUG] Scattermapbox cluster bug - “The layer does not exist in the map’s style…”

stephenwinn16 opened this issue · comments

Describe your context

dash                          2.14.1
dash-auth                     2.0.0
dash-bootstrap-components     1.4.1
dash-core-components          2.0.0
dash-extensions               1.0.1
dash-html-components          2.0.0
dash-leaflet                  0.1.23
dash-table                    5.0.0
plotly                        5.18.0

Describe the bug


I’m trying to create a webapp which uses the cluster function within scattermapbox. However, every so often, when loading the webapp, I’m presented with the following console error (which prevents any further interaction with the map):

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Mapbox error.

followed by multiple errors of the type:

Error: The layer 'plotly-trace-layer-4f7f6d-circle' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be queried for features.

I’ve created the following minimal example which throws up the same errors (they occur once every ~10 times I reload the webapp making the issue hard to track down). The example creates a list of random points around the world and plots them on a map. The example includes a simple callback to print the location of a point when clicking on it. I’ve tracked the issue down to the use of the cluster option in the “map_data” list (i.e. if I disable the cluster option, the errors no longer appear). From other posts/the documentation, I’m aware that the cluster option is not expected to work with OpenStreetMaps tiles hence the example requires a Mapbox access token.

from dash import Dash, dcc, html
from dash import Input, Output
from random import randint, seed

# -- Fix the randomness

# -- Generate random data
npoints = 100
latitudes = [randint(-90, 90) for i in range(npoints)]
longitudes = [randint(-180, 180) for i in range(npoints)]
colors = ["green" for i in range(npoints)]

# -- Mapbox styles
mapbox_style = "streets"
mapbox_accesstoken = open(".mapbox_token").read().strip()

# -- Set map data
map_data = [
        "type": "scattermapbox",
        "lat": latitudes,
        "lon": longitudes,
        "mode": "markers",
        "marker": {
            "size": 15,
            "color": colors,
        "cluster": {
            "enabled": True,
            "color": "green",
            "type": "circle",
            "maxzoom": 10,
            "size": 25,
            "opacity": 0.7,

# -- Set map layout
map_layout = {
    "mapbox": {
        "style": mapbox_style,
        "accesstoken": mapbox_accesstoken,
    "clickmode": "event",
    "margin": {"t": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0, "l": 0},

# -- Create div with map and a dummy div for the callback
layout = html.Div(
            figure={"data": map_data, "layout": map_layout},
            config={"displayModeBar": False, "scrollZoom": True},
            style={"height": "100vh"},

# -- Create app
app = Dash(
app.layout = layout

# -- Simple callback to print click data
    Output("dummy", "children"),
    Input("world-map", "clickData"),
def print_click(
    lat = clickData["points"][0]["lat"]
    lon = clickData["points"][0]["lon"]
    print("Clicked on point at lat/lon {}/{}".format(lat, lon))
    return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run_server(debug=True, use_reloader=False, host="", port=8081)

I have tested the code on multiple computers with different browsers and they all present the same issue. The full console logs for the errors are:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Mapbox error.
    r plotly.min.js:8
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    hoverPoints plotly.min.js:8
    ht plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    l plotly.min.js:8
    throttle plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    initFx plotly.min.js:8
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    mousemove plotly.min.js:8
    handleEvent plotly.min.js:8
    addEventListener plotly.min.js:8
    ki plotly.min.js:8
    i plotly.min.js:8
    createMap plotly.min.js:8
    n plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    drawData plotly.min.js:8
    syncOrAsync plotly.min.js:8
    _doPlot plotly.min.js:8
    newPlot plotly.min.js:8
    react plotly.min.js:8
    React 3
    commitLifeCycles react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:19949
    commitLayoutEffects react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22938
    callCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:182
    invokeGuardedCallbackDev react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:231
    invokeGuardedCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:286
    commitRootImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22676
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    commitRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22516
    finishSyncRender react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21942
    performSyncWorkOnRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21928
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11224
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11219
    workLoop react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2629
    flushWork react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2584
    performWorkUntilDeadline react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2196
    EventHandlerNonNull* react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2219
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:15
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:16


Error: The layer 'plotly-trace-layer-4f7f6d-circle' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be queried for features.
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    hoverPoints plotly.min.js:8
    ht plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    l plotly.min.js:8
    throttle plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    initFx plotly.min.js:8
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    mousemove plotly.min.js:8
    handleEvent plotly.min.js:8
    addEventListener plotly.min.js:8
    ki plotly.min.js:8
    i plotly.min.js:8
    createMap plotly.min.js:8
    n plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    drawData plotly.min.js:8
    syncOrAsync plotly.min.js:8
    _doPlot plotly.min.js:8
    newPlot plotly.min.js:8
    react plotly.min.js:8
    React 3
    commitLifeCycles react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:19949
    commitLayoutEffects react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22938
    callCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:182
    invokeGuardedCallbackDev react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:231
    invokeGuardedCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:286
    commitRootImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22676
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    commitRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22516
    finishSyncRender react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21942
    performSyncWorkOnRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21928
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11224
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11219
    workLoop react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2629
    flushWork react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2584
    performWorkUntilDeadline react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2196
    EventHandlerNonNull* react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2219
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:15
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:16
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    queryRenderedFeatures plotly.min.js:8
    hoverPoints plotly.min.js:8
    ht plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    l plotly.min.js:8
    throttle plotly.min.js:8
    hover plotly.min.js:8
    initFx plotly.min.js:8
    fire plotly.min.js:8
    mousemove plotly.min.js:8
    handleEvent plotly.min.js:8
    (Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
    addEventListener plotly.min.js:8
    ki plotly.min.js:8
    i plotly.min.js:8
    createMap plotly.min.js:8
    n plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    plot plotly.min.js:8
    drawData plotly.min.js:8
    syncOrAsync plotly.min.js:8
    _doPlot plotly.min.js:8
    newPlot plotly.min.js:8
    react plotly.min.js:8
    React 3
    commitLifeCycles react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:19949
    commitLayoutEffects react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22938
    callCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:182
    invokeGuardedCallbackDev react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:231
    invokeGuardedCallback react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:286
    commitRootImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22676
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    commitRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:22516
    finishSyncRender react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21942
    performSyncWorkOnRoot react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:21928
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11224
    unstable_runWithPriority react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2685
    runWithPriority$1 react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11174
    flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl react-dom@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:11219
    workLoop react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2629
    flushWork react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2584
    performWorkUntilDeadline react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2196
    (Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:2219
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:15
    <anonymous> react@16.v2_14_1m1699425702.14.0.js:16

Any help on understanding the source of the issue and a way to remedy it would be greatly appreciated!

[This is a duplicate of this post on the Plotly forum]


hi @stephenwinn16
You mention that the cluster option is not expected to work with OpenStreetMaps tiles. But I tried using the "open-street-map" mapbox style and I was able to click the markers and get them to print to the location into my terminal. Did open-street-map not work for you?

Hi @Coding-with-Adam,
Does it work reliably though? The issue I'm having here is that the code works some of the time. If you refresh the page a few times, do the errors I observe above eventually appear in your console log?
The issue with the "open-street-map" style is that you cannot use all the styling options (e.g. showing the number of points in the cluster).


hi @stephenwinn16
For my example, the code worked consistently, even after I refreshed the page.

Hi @Coding-with-Adam,
Thanks for checking. That complicates pinpointing the source of the issue... Can I ask what browser/version you were using?


Sure. Brave browser version 1.60.125