plotly / Dash.jl

Dash for Julia - A Julia interface to the Dash ecosystem for creating analytic web applications in Julia. No JavaScript required.

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Multi-output callback error in tutorial

jfb-h opened this issue · comments


On running the tutorial example on callbacks, I run into the following error:

┌ Error: error handling request │ exception = │ Invalid callback return value: The callback graph.figure is a multi-output. │ Expected the output type to be a list or tuple but got: │ {"layout":{"xaxis1":{"type":"log","title":"GDP Per Capita", [truncated because of long output] │ Stacktrace: │ [1] validate_callback_return(::Array{NamedTuple{(:id, :property),Tuple{String,String}},1}, ::Plot{Array{AbstractTrace,1},Layout{Dict{Symbol,Any}},Array{PlotlyFrame,1}}, ::Symbol) at C:\Users\Jakob\.julia\packages\Dash\OP7s2\src\handler\processors\callback.jl:81

Here's the code:

using DataFrames, Dash, DashHtmlComponents, DashCoreComponents, PlotlyJS, UrlDownload

df1 = DataFrame(urldownload(""))

years = unique(df1[!, :year])

app = dash()

app.layout = html_div() do
    dcc_graph(id = "graph"),
        id = "year-slider-1",
        min = minimum(years),
        max = maximum(years),
        marks = Dict([Symbol(v) => Symbol(v) for v in years]),
        value = minimum(years),
        step = nothing,

    Output("graph", "figure"),
    Input("year-slider-1", "value"),
) do selected_year
    return Plot(
        df1[df1.year .== selected_year, :],
            xaxis_type = "log",
            xaxis_title = "GDP Per Capita",
            yaxis_title = "Life Expectancy",
            legend_x = 0,
            legend_y = 1,
            hovermode = "closest",
            transition_duration = 500
        x = :gdpPercap,
        y = :lifeExp,
        text = :country,
        group = :continent,
        mode = "markers",
        marker_size = 15,
        marker_line_color = "white",

run_server(app, "", debug = true)

I'm on Julia 1.5 and here's my environment status:

[1b08a953] Dash v0.1.3 [a03496cd] PlotlyBase v0.4.1 [f0f68f2c] PlotlyJS v0.14.0


So on a fresh session and after restarting the computer the issues are gone - the package versions are the same, so not sure what caused it. Sorry for the false alarm!

the issues are gone

@jfb-h This is good, because I have been trying to reproduce this error for several days now

Thank you for using Dash!


Thanks for looking into it. If it happens again I'll try to narrow down the cause and let you know.