plexis-js / plexis

Lo-fi, powerful, community-driven string manipulation library.

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Feature request: `endsWith`

vorillaz opened this issue · comments

Checks whether the input text ends with the given pattern.

  @param {String} text
  @param {String|Regex} pattern
  @param {Number} startingPosition, optional

Example usage

import endsWith from '@plexis/ends-with';

const txt = 'This is me';

endsWith(txt, 'is me');
// => true

endsWith(txt, 'is m', txt.length - 1);
// => true

endsWith(txt, 'is m', txt.length);
// => false

endsWith(txt, 'Foo');
// => false

hey there can i take it ?

@felipebrunetti94 Thanks for contributing, go for it!

sorry, but could you help me with the setup ? When I use "lerna create @plexis/ends-with" it just return "Invalid lerna command: create"

Another question, may I do as much issues as I want or is just one for dev ? kk

@felipebrunetti94 Just use lerna create ends-with and it will place the new package inside the /packages/ folder.
There is a template available for new packages (

Finally, you can do as many issues as you want.